Seyedeh Khadijeh Amirian; Afzal Sadat Hoseini Dehshiri
Ethical values are a subject of academic and public interest. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Ethical Values Assessment (EVA). The study population was all students studying at the University of Tehran in 1400-1401, of whom 422 participated in the study. The ...
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Ethical values are a subject of academic and public interest. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Ethical Values Assessment (EVA). The study population was all students studying at the University of Tehran in 1400-1401, of whom 422 participated in the study. The sample size was determined using Cochran's formula. Participants responded to the Ethical Values Scale (Padilla-Walker & Jensen, 2016), Self Perception Profile for Children (Harter, 1989), Religious Commitment Inventory (Worthington et al., 2003), and the quality of relationships inventory (Pierce et al., 1991), which were provided to them online. The analyzes were performed with SPSS22 and Amos22 and in several steps including item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and convergent validity. Results: The results of item analysis showed that all items are sufficient. Exploratory factor analysis led to the extraction of three factors, which were (Based on eigenvalue): ethics of divinity, Community and autonomy. The second-order confirmatory factor analysis also confirmed the three-factor structure along with a general factor of ethical values. The convergent validity of this questionnaire and the total reliability and the reliability of the factors also were appropriate. The questionnaire for measuring ethical values in the Iranian student community has good reliability and validity; Therefore, it can be used as a valid tool to measure ethical values in students.
Amir Qorbanpoorlafmejani; Nasrin Jalali heris; Sajjad Rezaei
This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Holden and Hawk Meta-Parenting Questionnaire (MPQ) in a sample of Iranian fathers. The research method is applied and descriptive in terms of its purpose, the data of which has been collected ...
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This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Holden and Hawk Meta-Parenting Questionnaire (MPQ) in a sample of Iranian fathers. The research method is applied and descriptive in terms of its purpose, the data of which has been collected in the form of a survey. During three sub-studies, the fathers of Rasht city were selected in an accessible manner and answered the Persian translated version of the MPQ. In the first study, test-retest reliability was evaluated and this index was r=0.841 for the total score and at the level of evaluation components (r=0.802), predictability (r=0.858), reflection (r=0.839) and problem solving (r=0.864) were obtained and were significant at P<0.001 level. The intra-cluster correlation coefficient was also obtained in all cases ICC > 0.90. In the second sub-study (n=240), Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the whole tool was calculated as 0.778, and for the subscales in the range of 0.70 to 0.73. In the first-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), items 3 and 4 from the evaluation component, item 10 from the prediction component, items 15 and 16 from the reflection component and items 18, 19 and 20 from the problem solving component were removed, because factor loadings less than 0.3 and the construct validity indices confirmed the appropriate fit of the final model. Evidence of concurrent validity also revealed that the MPQ total score has been able to significantly predict and explain the variance of the scores of the family functioning variables in the expected directions. The Persian version of MPQ in fathers with a four-factor structure and after removing 8 questions has good retest reliability, internal consistency, construct validity and concurrent validity.
Seyedeh Khadijeh Amirian; Mansoure Hajhosseini; Mina Nezami; Simin Ebrahimi
The aim of this study was to validate the student discussion engagement scale among students of the University of Tehran. The student discussion engagement scale, conceptualizes discussion in the form of a group question and answer that requires an understanding of the overall atmosphere of a class and ...
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The aim of this study was to validate the student discussion engagement scale among students of the University of Tehran. The student discussion engagement scale, conceptualizes discussion in the form of a group question and answer that requires an understanding of the overall atmosphere of a class and the participation of individuals who enhance/facilitate/boost the engagement of others. The scale assesses students' behavior and experiences in the classroom in four areas, namely their skills, self-confidence, openness to discussion, and perception of the overall atmosphere. The study included 403 students of the University of Tehran from different study areas and stages, who were selected through random sampling. The students were asked to fill out a survey online, which included questions about discussion engagement, academic engagement, general self-efficacy (GSES), and the classroom learning environment (CLC). The data were examined in several steps, including item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity, divergent validity, and reliability. This was done in order to ensure that the analysis produces accurate and reliable results. The item analysis revealed that all items were adequate in terms of the descriptive criteria. The exploratory factor analysis identified four factors after removing two items. This suggests that there are four underlying factors influencing the students' engagement in classroom discussions. The confirmatory factor analysis also supported the factor structure identified in the exploratory factor analysis. This suggests that the Student Discussion Engagement (SDE) scale has convergent validity, divergent validity, and good reliability. This means that the scale can reliably and accurately measure students' engagement in classroom discussions.
Azam Azizi; Farideh Hamidi; Maryam Meshkat
This research aimed to construct, factor, and validate an acculturation questionnaire for bilingual female students in Urmia City, which examines the adaptation to dominant cultures resulting from the interaction of two cultures. The statistical population of the research comprised 300 bilingual female ...
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This research aimed to construct, factor, and validate an acculturation questionnaire for bilingual female students in Urmia City, which examines the adaptation to dominant cultures resulting from the interaction of two cultures. The statistical population of the research comprised 300 bilingual female students in the 10th and 11th grades at schools in Urmia city during the academic year of 1400-1401. The acculturation questionnaire was administered using a three-stage cluster random method. Reliability was computed using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, and validity was assessed via content validity and confirmatory factor analysis. According to the average extracted variance (AVE), two extracted factors could explain 51.66% of the accultoration questionnaire's variation. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the x2/df index was 1.94, below the threshold of 5, which suggests the fit of the two-factor structure is optimal. Additionally, the second root of the mean square of the estimation error is 0.05, lower than 0.08, which indicates the model has a good fit. Reliability for the overall acculturation score is 0. The results of the present research established a 15-item Acculturation Scale comprising two components, Language, and Cultural Identity, demonstrating good reliability and validity. This instrument could provide an adequate measurement of the acculturation status of students.
Marziyeh Karimi; Sadegh Nasri; Fatemeh Ghaemi
The aforementioned title is more appropriate for your research and provides clear information regarding the study's scope, objectives, background, study population, and methodology. It also provides a straightforward description of the study's central topic- parental stress- along with its relevance ...
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The aforementioned title is more appropriate for your research and provides clear information regarding the study's scope, objectives, background, study population, and methodology. It also provides a straightforward description of the study's central topic- parental stress- along with its relevance to mothers of individuals with ASD. The statistical sample was 276 people who were selected in an available manner. The tools were the Autism Parenting Stress Scale of Phetrasuwan and Miles (2009) and the Resilience Scale of Conner and Davidson (2003). Descriptive and inferential statistics, in addition to confirmatory factor analysis, were utilized for the data analysis. The software packages used for the analysis, namely, SPSSV25 and Smart PLS version 3.2, are specified as well. Notably, the findings revealed a high internal consistency (with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.953) of the Autism Parenting Stress Scale and its components. The reliability coefficients for the subcomponents range from 0.76 to 0.92, with a general CR of 0.962. The face and content validity of the scale were confirmed by the opinions of parents and experts. Criterion validity using the resilience scale has been equally acceptable. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that while the scale has favorable convergent and divergent validity, the four-factor model was confirmed. Considering the appropriate reliability and validity, it is recommended that clinical experts and researchers use the mentioned scale to measure the parenting stress of mothers.
Mohammad Javad Rabbani Parsa; Elham Rabbani Parsa
Nowadays, the fundamental role of having a purpose for life in physical and mental health has been confirmed. According to victor frankl, presence of a purpose in life gives life a meaning and increases resilience against pains and traumas. The importance of the purpose in life construct reveals the ...
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Nowadays, the fundamental role of having a purpose for life in physical and mental health has been confirmed. According to victor frankl, presence of a purpose in life gives life a meaning and increases resilience against pains and traumas. The importance of the purpose in life construct reveals the need for a reliable and valid tool to measure it. Crumbaugh and Maholick's purpose in life questionnaire is the first and one of the most applied tools for the assessment of life's purposefulness. The aim of this research is to determine the factor structure of purpose in life questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered on 206 students who were selected through random stratified sampling at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Exploratory factor analysis showed that there are two factors "comprehension" and "purpose" and this finding were confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. Altogether results of this research showed factor validity of the purpose in life questionnaire with a two factor pattern
karim abdolmohamadi; Farhad Ghadiri Sourman Abadi; Asgar Alimohamadi; mostafa zareean
Sluggish Cognitive Tempo is used to describe a particular type of attention deficit, concentration, and slowness in information processing. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale (SCTS) of the parent form among Iranian children. The ...
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Sluggish Cognitive Tempo is used to describe a particular type of attention deficit, concentration, and slowness in information processing. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale (SCTS) of the parent form among Iranian children. The present study is a descriptive study. A sample of 1700 people was selected from the provinces of Tehran, East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Fars and Khorasan using cluster sampling method. 122 subjects were excluded from statistical analysis due to incomplete answers to the questionnaires and thus the final sample was reduced to 1578 parents. The confirmatory factor analysis method and internal consistency were used to compute the Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale factorial validity and reliability, respectively. Also, in order to examine the construct validity of the Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale, we computed correlations between different dimensions of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale with Attention Deficit Subscale of Mental Health Assessment Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents. The results of statistical results showed that this scale has structural validity, criterion and convergence in Iranian society. The results indicate that the scale is three factors and also the validity of the scale using Cronbach's alpha method and retest test after Approved two weeks. According to the findings of the present study, the parent form of the Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale (SCTS) has a good validity and reliability and it can be used in research related to slow cognitive multiplication in Iranian society.
masoomeh parvaneh; jalal dehghanizade; soheila shahbazi
Research has shown that mental energy is an important factor in many domains, including athletic performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Sports Mental Energy Questionnaire. The research method was applied and tool development. ...
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Research has shown that mental energy is an important factor in many domains, including athletic performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Sports Mental Energy Questionnaire. The research method was applied and tool development. The study population includedall male and female athletes in Urmia city in different sports; From this population, based on Morgan sample size determination table, 283 athletes were selected by available sampling method. The athletic mental energy questionnaire Lu et al (2018) was used as a research tool. The questionnaire was presented to the athletes after translation into Persian and approval by three experts and then analyzed. To evaluate the construct validity and determine the factor structure of the questionnaire, confirmatory factor analysis based on structural equation modeling was used and the reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the six-factor model, the three-factor of the affective components (vigor, tireless, and calm) of AME and and the two-factor of the cognitive components (confidence and concentration) of AME) as well as motivation has a acceptable goodness of fit with the data in the sample of athletes. Cronbach's alpha results above 0.70 for all factors also indicate the appropriate reliability of the Athletic Mental Energy Questionnaire. The findings suggest that this measurement tool with good validity and reliability can be used to assess the athletic mental energy in Iranian athletes
Mohammad Ali Besharat; Hojjatollah Farahani; Niloufar Farsijani
The present study examined psychometric properties of a 20-item Spiritual/Religious Perfectionism Scale (SRPS-20) in adult students. The aim of the study was developmental-applied and the method of gathering data was field research. The statistical population of the study 1 consisted of adult students, ...
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The present study examined psychometric properties of a 20-item Spiritual/Religious Perfectionism Scale (SRPS-20) in adult students. The aim of the study was developmental-applied and the method of gathering data was field research. The statistical population of the study 1 consisted of adult students, both under graduated and graduated, from the University of Tehran in the academic year of 2018-2019. The statistical population of the study 2 consisted of adults from general population living in Tehran in the years of 2018 and 2019. Factor structure of the SRPS-20 investigated using exploratory factor analyses in study 1 (368 university students) as well as using confirmatory factor analyses in study 2 (384 community adults). Convergent and discriminant validity of the SRPS-20 were examined through its correlations with measures of ego strength, mental health, and positive/negative affects in the 2 studies based on Ego Strength Scale (Besharat, 2016), Mental Health Inventory (Veit & Ware, 1983), and Positive and Negative Affects Schedule (Watson, Clarke & Tellegen, 1988), respectively. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the SRPS-20 were also investigated in the 2 studies. The results of both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported a general factor structure for the SRPS-20. The convergent and discriminant validity of the SRPS-20 were supported by an expected pattern of correlations between the scale and the measures of ego strength, psychological well-being, psychological distress, and positive and negative affects. Based on the preliminary evidence provided by the present study it can be concluded that the SRPS-20 is a reliable and valid scale to measure spiritual/religious perfectionism.
nasibeh zarei manoojan; Massoud Hosseinchari; bahram jowkar; Razieh Sheikholeslami
One of the crucial needs of students for entering the next stages of life is earning academic psychological capital at school, a capital facilitating their entrance to organizational community and university. Considering the importance of psychological capital in the area of education and lack of a valid ...
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One of the crucial needs of students for entering the next stages of life is earning academic psychological capital at school, a capital facilitating their entrance to organizational community and university. Considering the importance of psychological capital in the area of education and lack of a valid and reliable instrument for measuring it during the high school period, the present study attempted to fill this gap and to provide evidence related to determining the reliability and validity of the academic psychological capital scale. This scale was designed and developed on the first and second secondary levels at Manoojan, Iran. A sample of 260 participants were chosen through convenience sampling and responded to the questionnaire items. For determining the reliability and construct validity of the scale, first and secondary confirmatory factor analysis was used. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that all four factors identified based on the theoretical underpinning of the study were confirmed. The criterion validity was assessed through correlation of the results with those obtained from the Lootanz's (2007) psychological capital scale, and the total reliability coefficient for the scale developed in the study was found to be .92. Consequently, it can be stated that the developed scale can be used in research studies in the realm of academic psychological capital.
Somayeh Mohebi; Omid Shokri; ali khodaei
The Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) is a globally recognized measure of stress coping methods. However, research into the applicability of the CISS-SF in an Iranian context is still in its infancy. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the ...
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The Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) is a globally recognized measure of stress coping methods. However, research into the applicability of the CISS-SF in an Iranian context is still in its infancy. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations-Short Form (CISS-SF, Endler & Parker, 1994) among Iranian university students. Three-hundred university students (150 male and 150 female) completed the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations-Short Form (CISS-SF), the Self-Esteem Scale (SES, Rosenberg, 1965) and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS, Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988). The confirmatory factor analysis method and internal consistency were used to compute the CISS-SF's factorial validity and reliability, respectively. Also, in order to examine the construct validity of the CISS-SF, we computed correlations between different dimensions of CISS-SF with self-esteem and positive and negative affect. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis, based AMOS software, showed that three-factor structure of the task-oriented coping, emotion-oriented coping and avoidance-oriented coping in the Iranian sample had good fit with data. Correlational analyses between task-oriented coping and emotion-oriented coping as well as avoidance-oriented coping with self-esteem and positive and negative affect provided initial evidence for the ACS convergent validity. Internal consistency coefficients for the task-oriented coping, emotion-oriented coping and avoidance-oriented coping subscales were .78, .79 and .79, respectively. In sum, these findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the CISS-SF as an instrument to measure coping styles among Iranian university students.
Yaser Garavand; Mohammad Koohi; Elahe Seyed kaboli; ahmad alizadeh
The present study was conducted with the aim of constructing and investigating the factor structure of students' research engagement questionnaire. The research method was survey and the statistical population includes all of the postgraduate students of humanities faculty (Literature and Humanities, ...
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The present study was conducted with the aim of constructing and investigating the factor structure of students' research engagement questionnaire. The research method was survey and the statistical population includes all of the postgraduate students of humanities faculty (Literature and Humanities, Islamic Theology and Science, Sport Sciences, Education and Psychology, Administrative and Economic Sciences) at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (N=3199). Using Cochran formula, the sample size was estimated to be 343 student. The participants were selected by stratified random sampling. The theoretical model Linnenbrink and Pintrich (2002) was determined as the basis of scale construction. This model includes three components of cognitive, emotional, and leadership engagement. SPSS and AMOS software are used for data analysis. Content validity and confirmatory factor analysis were used to determine the validity of the questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha coefficient to check the reliability. The results showed that the alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.89 and for cognitive (0.80), emotional (0.73) and behavioral (0.76). Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 8 experts of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (based on CVI) and inappropriate items were removed. Goodness indicators confirmed the fit of the model. According to the research results the research engagement questionnaire had good internal consistency and validity and this questionnaire can be used in research.
Seyede Khadije Moradiani Geize Rud; ezatolah ghadampour; masoud sadeghi; mohammad abasi; firoze ghazanfari
Abstract: The detrimental effects of peer rejection during childhood have made research in this area a necessity. The main step in each research is to have a valid and reliable questionnaire for the culture of that society. The main purpose of the present study is to examine the psychometric properties ...
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Abstract: The detrimental effects of peer rejection during childhood have made research in this area a necessity. The main step in each research is to have a valid and reliable questionnaire for the culture of that society. The main purpose of the present study is to examine the psychometric properties (determination of factor structure, validity, and validity) of the rejection scale of Wiesel, Sarid & Sternberg (2013). The research design is correlation. The statistical population is taken from 6th-grade elementary school students of Kermanshah. The total number of the participants is 311 students which were selected by the random cluster sampling method. Exploratory factor analysis extracts 4 components which were confirmed by first-order confirmatory factor analysis. Second order confirmatory factor analysis showed that these four components can be categorized into one concept. In sum, our peer rejection scale after a little modification showed suitable reliability and validity and can be used among Iranian students.
Mohammad Koohi; Yaser Garavand; Abas Ghasemzadeh; Ehsan Abbasi Josheghani
Emotions are intimately involved in virtually every aspect of the teaching and learning process and good teaching is charged with positive emotions. Therefore; an understanding of the nature of emotions within the educational context is essential. This study aimed to investigate the Psychometric Properties ...
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Emotions are intimately involved in virtually every aspect of the teaching and learning process and good teaching is charged with positive emotions. Therefore; an understanding of the nature of emotions within the educational context is essential. This study aimed to investigate the Psychometric Properties of the emotions in the teaching Inventory of Trigwell (2012). The research method was descriptive-correlative. Teachers of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad were the research population. The required sample size was determined 280 based on the Cochran formula and participants were selected by the relative class sampling method. The Content Validity of inventory was evaluated by 5 experts based on the CVI Index. The validity was determined by confirmatory factor analysis and the reliability of ETI was confirmed by internal consistency (Cochran`s alpha) and test-retest method. The goodness of fit indexes was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Also, the alpha coefficient for total size was 0/89 and for subscales was from 0/73 to 0/84. Hence, Results showed that Emotions in the teaching Inventory had acceptable psychometric properties in the sample of university teachers and can be used as a valid scale in studies related to the teaching emotions.
Shiva Zarezadeh Kheibari; Seyed Amir Amin Yazdi; Shahrbanoo Aali; Hossein kareshki
The visuospatial development is one of the most important foundations of development, since it plays the role of the primary function of all learning and communication, and forms the mental representations of the outside world. On the other hand, this development simultaneously contains spatial information ...
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The visuospatial development is one of the most important foundations of development, since it plays the role of the primary function of all learning and communication, and forms the mental representations of the outside world. On the other hand, this development simultaneously contains spatial information and directs all movements in space. Measurement of this development and its various dimensions is vital in the early years of life, since with this information we can estimate the visuospatial capacity of the child and examine the change of this basic capacity during life span. The aim of the present study was to provide psychometric properties for the visuospatial development questionnaire (Harry Wachs, 2014) for use in Iran. A questionnaire was filled out on 348 preschool children in Mashhad that were selected randomly by multistage stratified sampling method and psychometric indices were calculated using statistical software. The findings showed that the questionnaire had a satisfactory content and structure validity and also reliability. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis also showed that the structure of the questionnaire has an acceptable fit with the data. These factors were named in accordance with the main research, body awareness and sense; location of body in space; relation of object to self, other objects and people; conservation of space; Visual-logical reasoning; Representational thought; their coefficients of internal consistency were 0.83, 0.79, 0.67, 0.80, 0.72 and 0.61, respectively. These results show that the Visuopatial development Questionnaire can be used as a tool for measuring the concept of the visuospatial development in Iran.
Borzoo Amirpour; Afsaneh Shahbazirad
Background: Self-efficacy is considered as an important factor in self-concept, motivational theories and health-related behaviors. Aim: This study carried out to investigate the confirmatory factor analysis, validity and reliability of social self-efficacy scale in Iranian students. Method: This correlation ...
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Background: Self-efficacy is considered as an important factor in self-concept, motivational theories and health-related behaviors. Aim: This study carried out to investigate the confirmatory factor analysis, validity and reliability of social self-efficacy scale in Iranian students. Method: This correlation study was a type of validation that social self-efficacy questionnaire of Grieve et al (2014), general social self-efficacy of Schwarzer & Jerusalem (1995), social indifference, acceptance and social solidarity questionnaire were given for 750 students at Kermanshah and Kangavar University of Payam Noor and Azad Islamic University of Kermanshah that selected available manner. In order to calculate the reliability used from the internal consistency method and for assessment contemporary validity used from correlation between the scores of the mentioned tools. For determine the construct validity used factor analysis. The software used to analyze the data was SPSS and Amos. Results: The results of factor analysis showed that most of the items in the tool, except for items 4,5, 9, and 16, had an appropriate load factor and five factors had a higher value than one and were explained 47/04 % of the observed variances. This matter could indicate a fairly relevant factor of the social self-efficacy questionnaire. Correlation coefficients showed that the contemporary validity of social self-efficacy scale with other tools was good. For internal consistency by using the Cronbach's alpha method and duplicate, that the values were 0.83 and 0.76, respectively was obtained. Conclusion: The scale of social self-efficacy has a good validity and reliability, and this scale can be used in clinical and research positions
Mohammad Azad Abdollahpour; fariborz dortaj
The main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the achievement emotion questionnaire-short form among Iranian university students.317 university students (141 male and 176 female) completed the Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form, the Stress Appraisal Measure-Revised, ...
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The main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the achievement emotion questionnaire-short form among Iranian university students.317 university students (141 male and 176 female) completed the Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form, the Stress Appraisal Measure-Revised, and Achievement Goal Questionnaire-Revised. First, ‘alpha if item deleted’ and ‘corrected item-total correlation’ commands were used to develop the short form of the achievement emotion questionnaire. Also, the confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency were used to compute the Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form factorial validity and reliability, respectively. Then, in order to examine the construct validity of the Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form, we compute correlation between different dimensions of Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form with cognitive appraisal processes and achievement goal orientations. the results of confirmatory factor analysis according to comprehensive version of Achievement Emotion questionnaire by emphasizing the breakdown of positive and negative achievement emotions indicated that Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form had internal consistency. Furthermore, Correlational analyses between positive and negative achievement emotions with cognitive appraisals and goal orientations provided initial evidence for the AEQ-SF convergent validity. Internal consistency for the multiple scales in different achievement situations was 0/74 to 087. In sum, on the one hand, the results provide further support for the control-value theory of achievement emotions and on the other hand, these findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form as an instrument to measure of achievement emotions among Iranian university students.
marjan ghavami; Mohammadreza Abedi; Prisa Nilfrooshan
Abstract Purpose: The purpose of the research is to investigate the factor structure of academic success questionnaire (Salehi, 2014) by confirmatory factor analysis approach. Method: The research method is descriptive. The study population of the research includes all the high school students in Isfahan ...
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Abstract Purpose: The purpose of the research is to investigate the factor structure of academic success questionnaire (Salehi, 2014) by confirmatory factor analysis approach. Method: The research method is descriptive. The study population of the research includes all the high school students in Isfahan 2014-15 academic year, that were about 158304 students. The research sample includes 400 male and female students in the academic, who were selected by multi-staged cluster sampling. In order to investigate the factor structure, AMOS 20 software was used. Findings: The results from confirmatory factor analysis show that the four factors of average, students’ views, parents and teachers in defining objective academic success are significant and the three subscales of academic satisfaction, a sense of academic success and academic conservation in defining subjective academic success are significant. Finally, the presented model shows that two hidden items of objective academic success and subjective academic success in defining academic success are significant and powerful. Conclusion: Regarding the findings of the research, it is an error to consider only one criterion, namely the average, to evaluate the progress and academic success of students and it is recommended to use the academic success questionnaire (Salehi, 2014) to evaluate the level of academic success of students at schools.
Seyed Sajjad Tabatabaei; Mehdi Lesani
Purpose: equipping for vocational opportunity skills resultes to more compatibility with career today's changes; improving career path decision-making competence and ultimately more meaningful life in 21th century. The purpose of this study to assess the validation, Stability and factor structure of ...
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Purpose: equipping for vocational opportunity skills resultes to more compatibility with career today's changes; improving career path decision-making competence and ultimately more meaningful life in 21th century. The purpose of this study to assess the validation, Stability and factor structure of the openness to vocational oportunity Scale (OVOS) that based on Krumboltz and Mitchell's planned happenstance approach and it is applied on medical students. Methods: in this cross-sectional study with stratified random sampling method, 185 students of Kerman medical college are selected through data analysis algorithms with SmartPLS 2 (Partial least square), which include the Measurement Model (Alpha, Loadings, Composite Reliability, Convergent and Discriminant Validity), Structural Model (significant factor "T-values" and "R Square", the prediction model"Q" ^"2" "Stone-Geisser", Quality Indexes Redundancy, GOF "Goodness of fit"). To appraisal scale (OVOS) which include the component Curiosity, Flexibility, Flexibility, Optimism, Risk-taking were examined. Results: fitting both the data algorithm and the results of confirmatory factor analysis indicates the desirability and acceptability of latent structure in components and index. Deduction: given the results of this study can be said that the Persian version of OVOS has construct validation and Stability in the academic community well and can be used to assessment and identification the vocational opportunity skills and facilitating understanding of the influence of chance events on career choice behavior.
fariborz gravand; khadijeh abolmali; alireza kimanesh; hamzeh ganji
Abstract Background: Aside from test anxiety scales, measurement instruments assessing students’ achievement emotions are largely lacking. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study was to investigate factorial validity of the Class-Related Emotion Scales (CRES) among Iranian university students. ...
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Abstract Background: Aside from test anxiety scales, measurement instruments assessing students’ achievement emotions are largely lacking. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study was to investigate factorial validity of the Class-Related Emotion Scales (CRES) among Iranian university students. Method: 400 university students (240 male, 160 female) completed the Class-Related Emotion Scales. The confirmatory factor analysis method and internal consistency were used to compute the CRES's factorial validity and reliability, respectively. Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis, based AMOS software, indicated that multidimensional structure of the CRES consisted enjoyment, hope, pride, anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness and boredom had acceptable fit to data in the Iranian sample. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis by replication multidimensional factorial structure of the Farsi version of the CRES consisted of 8 scales measuring enjoyment, hope, pride, anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, and boredom during class indicated that the scales were internally valid. Internal consistencies for the scales measuring enjoyment, hope, pride, relief, anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, and boredom during class were 0.93, 0.92, 0.89, 0.89, 0.89, 0.91, 0.93 and 0.95, respectively. Conclusion: In sum, on the one hand, the results provide further support for the control-value theory and on the other hand, these findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the AEQ as an instrument to measure of achievement emotions among Iranian university students.
morteza andalib Kourayem
introduction: People always want to explain their own behaviors. Among this behaviors that we want to have explanation about it, is delinquent and criminal behaviors. Aims: The aim of current study is standardization of revised version of Gudjonsson Blame Attribution Inventory (GBAI-R). method: For this ...
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introduction: People always want to explain their own behaviors. Among this behaviors that we want to have explanation about it, is delinquent and criminal behaviors. Aims: The aim of current study is standardization of revised version of Gudjonsson Blame Attribution Inventory (GBAI-R). method: For this reason in a cross-sectional research, among Evin prison and Tehran Correction center clients a number of 464 subjects were selected by the use of convenient sampling method. Results: Content validity evaluated by Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI) that in the base of these, two item (items of 8 and 26) were eliminated. For evaluation of model fit, we used indexes such as CMIN/DF, Goodness of fit index, Adjusted Goodness of fit index, Root mean square error of approximation, parsimony normed fit index, incremental fit index, Tucker-Lewis index, and comparative fit index. The result of confirmatory factor analysis showed that three-factor model have acceptable fitness with data and factor loading for all items (except item number 23) was average and high. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients showed that GBAI-R have high reliability. Discussion: In sum, the result of current study showed that this inventory is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing attributional style in criminals.
neda afsharian; fariborz dortaj
Aims:Thepresent research aimed to evaluate the factor validity of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) in a group of Iranian students. Method: The population included all third-grade students who were studying Humanities in Tehran. Using multi-stage cluster sampling, a total number ...
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Aims:Thepresent research aimed to evaluate the factor validity of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) in a group of Iranian students. Method: The population included all third-grade students who were studying Humanities in Tehran. Using multi-stage cluster sampling, a total number of 337 students (176 females and 144 males) were selected and answered the MSLQ. In order to determine the factor validity and internal consistency of the Questionnaire, confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used respectively. Findings: Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor structure of the questionnaire was appropriate to measure intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, control of learning reliefs, self-efficacy for learning and performance, test anxiety, rehearsal, elaboration, organization, critical thinking, meta-cognitive self-regulation, time and study environment, effort regulation, peer learning, and help seeking which could empirically support the internal validity. In addition, the internal consistency coefficient for the questionnairesubscales was reported as 0/78 to 0/91. Conclusion: providing some evidencesfor supporting the theory of self-regulated learning, findings of the research showed that the MSLQ possessedgood psychometric propertiesand consequently can be used as a diagnostic and research instrumentfor measuring the cognitive and metacognitive strategiesin Iranian sample.
Mohammad Hossein Sanaeepur; Zahra Royaei; Zahra Gharetappeyei
Aim: The main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the Emotional adjustment Measure (EAM, Rubio, Aguado, Hontangas& Hernandez, 2007) among Iranian university students. Methods: 324 university students (130 male, 194 female) completed the EAM, the Perceived Stress ...
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Aim: The main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the Emotional adjustment Measure (EAM, Rubio, Aguado, Hontangas& Hernandez, 2007) among Iranian university students. Methods: 324 university students (130 male, 194 female) completed the EAM, the Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale (PSRS, Schlotz, Yim, Zoccola, Jansen & Schulz, 2011) and the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-II (HPLP-II, Walker, Sechrist& Pender, 1995). The confirmatory factor analysis method and internal consistency were used to compute the EAM's construct validity and reliability, respectively. Also, in order to examine the construct validity of the EAM, we computed correlations between different dimensions of EAM with different dimension of Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale and Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-II. Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that 2-factor structure of the EAM consisted lack of physiologic and emotional arousal regulation factor and hopelessness and wishful thinking factor had good fit to data in the Iranian sample. Also, correlational analyses between different dimensions of EAM with different dimension of Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale and Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-II provided initial evidence for the EAM construct validity. Cronbach’s α coefficients ranged from 0/84 to 0/91 for total factor and its dimensions. Discussion: In sum, these findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the EAM as an instrument to measure of emotional adjustment among Iranian university students.
Karim Savary; Mohammad Oraki
Background: The skill of concentration is reckoned as one of the necessary skills of learning and the most important factor of successfulness. Therefore, in order to know it better, sharp measurement tool is needed. Objective: The present study aims to make and define the psychometric characteristics ...
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Background: The skill of concentration is reckoned as one of the necessary skills of learning and the most important factor of successfulness. Therefore, in order to know it better, sharp measurement tool is needed. Objective: The present study aims to make and define the psychometric characteristics (validity & reliability) of the questionnaire of concentration skill.Method: The sample of the present study includes 200 students (100 male & 100 female) of Ahvaz Payam-e-noor university who were selected randomly from population of all students of the university. The research method is descriptive-explorative, and the data is obtained by the researcher's questionnaire and the explorative-confirmative method is used to analyze it.Result: The finding showed that the questionnaire of the concentration skill include 13 articles, 2 intentional concentration scales with 8 articles, and unintentional concentration with 5 articles and was remarkably reliable & variable.Conclusion: This questionnaire can be used to measure the amount of individuals' concentration in learning and clinical research.
kazem rasoolzade tabatabaie; Mohammad Ali Besharat; Ali asgari
Objective: the aim of the present research was to determine the reliability and validity of the Persian version of Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI). Method: In this descriptive study, 682 students (292 female, 390 male) were selected through the multistage cluster sampling method from different ...
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Objective: the aim of the present research was to determine the reliability and validity of the Persian version of Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI). Method: In this descriptive study, 682 students (292 female, 390 male) were selected through the multistage cluster sampling method from different universities in Tehran and Pathological Narcissism Inventory was administered to them. Cronbach’s alpha, test-retest reliability, and confirmatory factor analysis were used to determine reliability and validity of Pathological Narcissism Inventory. Results: The test-retest correlation coefficient for the total scale was 0.90. The cronbach's alpha of the total scale was 0.95 and ranged from 0.78 to 0.92 for its components. Results of first-order confirmatory factor analysis indicated that seven component of PNI load on one factor and seven-factor model fit in Iranian sample. Also, Results of two-order confirmatory factor analysis showed that seven components of PNI load on narcissistic grandiosity and narcissistic vulnerability factors and two-factor model has an acceptable fitness. Conclusion: The obtained results, replicated findings of previous researches and supported the seven first-order factors and two second- order factors of PNI structure. Considering results of this study, the Persian version of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory possess suitable reliability and validity in order to assess the pathological narcissism in Iranian sample.