Document Type : Research Paper


1 Payam noor university of tehran

2 Associate professor & faculty member of educational psychology department , Tehran , Iran


Background: The skill of concentration is reckoned as one of the necessary skills of learning and the most important factor of successfulness. Therefore, in order to know it better, sharp measurement tool is needed.
Objective: The present study aims to make and define the psychometric characteristics (validity & reliability) of the questionnaire of concentration skill.
Method: The sample of the present study includes 200 students (100 male & 100 female) of Ahvaz Payam-e-noor university who were selected randomly from population of all students of the university. The research method is descriptive-explorative, and the data is obtained by the researcher's questionnaire and the explorative-confirmative method is used to analyze it.
Result: The finding showed that the questionnaire of the concentration skill include 13 articles, 2 intentional concentration scales with 8 articles, and unintentional concentration with 5 articles and was remarkably reliable & variable.

Conclusion: This questionnaire can be used to measure the amount of individuals' concentration in learning and clinical research.
