Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences and Counseling, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 MA in General Psychology, General Welfare Administration of Guilan Province, Rasht, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Holden and Hawk Meta-Parenting Questionnaire (MPQ) in a sample of Iranian fathers. The research method is applied and descriptive in terms of its purpose, the data of which has been collected in the form of a survey. During three sub-studies, the fathers of Rasht city were selected in an accessible manner and answered the Persian translated version of the MPQ. In the first study, test-retest reliability was evaluated and this index was r=0.841 for the total score and at the level of evaluation components (r=0.802), predictability (r=0.858), reflection (r=0.839) and problem solving (r=0.864) were obtained and were significant at P<0.001 level. The intra-cluster correlation coefficient was also obtained in all cases ICC > 0.90. In the second sub-study (n=240), Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the whole tool was calculated as 0.778, and for the subscales in the range of 0.70 to 0.73. In the first-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), items 3 and 4 from the evaluation component, item 10 from the prediction component, items 15 and 16 from the reflection component and items 18, 19 and 20 from the problem solving component were removed, because factor loadings less than 0.3 and the construct validity indices confirmed the appropriate fit of the final model. Evidence of concurrent validity also revealed that the MPQ total score has been able to significantly predict and explain the variance of the scores of the family functioning variables in the expected directions. The Persian version of MPQ in fathers with a four-factor structure and after removing 8 questions has good retest reliability, internal consistency, construct validity and concurrent validity.


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