Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Sports Sciences, Urmia University

2 Faculty member of Urmia University


Research has shown that mental energy is an important factor in many domains, including athletic performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Sports Mental Energy Questionnaire. The research method was applied and tool development. The study population includedall male and female athletes in Urmia city in different sports; From this population, based on Morgan sample size determination table, 283 athletes were selected by available sampling method. The athletic mental energy questionnaire Lu et al (2018) was used as a research tool. The questionnaire was presented to the athletes after translation into Persian and approval by three experts and then analyzed. To evaluate the construct validity and determine the factor structure of the questionnaire, confirmatory factor analysis based on structural equation modeling was used and the reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the six-factor model, the three-factor of the affective components (vigor, tireless, and calm) of AME and and the two-factor of the cognitive components (confidence and concentration) of AME) as well as motivation has a acceptable goodness of fit with the data in the sample of athletes. Cronbach's alpha results above 0.70 for all factors also indicate the appropriate reliability of the Athletic Mental Energy Questionnaire. The findings suggest that this measurement tool with good validity and reliability can be used to assess the athletic mental energy in Iranian athletes


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