Abdollahpour, Mohammad Azad
Psychometric Analysis of the Short Version of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ) among University Student [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 189-220]
Abedi, Ahmad
Developing and validating the Sense of Agency Inventory for Visually Impaired Individuals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 165-188]
Abedi, Mohammadreza
Factor structure of high school students’ academic success questionnaire of the Isfahan [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 47-66]
Afsharfar, Firouz
Construction, validation of tools for measuring the dimensions of human resource competencies in knowledge based companies [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 147-165]
Alizadeh, Hamid
Psychometric Properties of Behavioral Rating Scale of Executive Functions (BRIEF) in Children aged 6 to 12 Years [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 135-151]
Amirpour, Borzoo
Investigating confirmatory Factor Analysis, reliability, and validity of the social self-efficacy scale for college students [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 47-60]
Araghi, Ladan
Study of applying network data analysis in item analysis [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 207-240]
Babaee Zakliki, mohammadAli
Introduction and Application of Facet theory and smallest space analysis: Case study of assessment center's exercises [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 1-17]
Bakhshi parikhani, somayeh
Psychometric properties of the questionnaire optimism school science and its relationship with the student's academic optimism, self-efficacy and achievement motivation among students in Ardabil [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 23-46]
Bameni Moghadam, Mohammad
Evaluation of Teaching Quality of Faculty Members in Higher Education Institutions: A case study of Faculty of Economics at Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 1-22]
Delavar, Ali
Introduction and Application of Facet theory and smallest space analysis: Case study of assessment center's exercises [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 1-17]
Eskandari, Hossein
Narrative analysis: New methods in narrative data analysis [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 107-133]
Etemadi, Ozra
Constructing and Validating the Questionnaire of Interactional Pathologies of Avoidant Men [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 181-205]
Farahani, Ali
Developing and validating the Sense of Agency Inventory for Visually Impaired Individuals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 165-188]
Farhad, Ghadiri Sourman Abadi
Psychometric Properties of Behavioral Rating Scale of Executive Functions (BRIEF) in Children aged 6 to 12 Years [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 135-151]
Farrokhi, Noor ali
Introduction and Application of Facet theory and smallest space analysis: Case study of assessment center's exercises [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 1-17]
Farzad, Valiollah
Applying Bi-factor Multidimensional Item-response Theory Model for Dimensionality and Differential items Functioning Analysis on Testlet-Based Tests [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 121-153]
Fatehizade, Maryamsadat
Constructing and Validating the Questionnaire of Interactional Pathologies of Avoidant Men [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 181-205]
Fathabadi, Jallil
Development and Validation of the Promoting and Preventing Educational Health Academic Lifestyle Behaviors Questionnaire: Perspectives on contemporary theories of achievement motivation [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 61-105]
Ghodsi, Ahmad
The Psychometric Characteristics of Task Cost Scale in High School Students in Qom [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 97-120]
Hasani, Jafar
Construct and validate of personal epistemology questionnaire in children [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 121-146]
Jahanifar, Mojtaba
Comparing conditional standard error of measurement among non-linear raw to scale scores methods [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 93-120]
Jazayeri, Rezvanosadat
Constructing and Validating the Questionnaire of Interactional Pathologies of Avoidant Men [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 181-205]
Kadivar, Parvin
Construct and validate of personal epistemology questionnaire in children [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 121-146]
Khodaie, Ebrahim
Comparing conditional standard error of measurement among non-linear raw to scale scores methods [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 93-120]
Malekpour, Mokhtar
Developing and validating the Sense of Agency Inventory for Visually Impaired Individuals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 165-188]
Minaei, Asghar
Applying Rasch analysis to estimate and improve measurement quality of Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 67-92]
Musavi, Amin
Comparing conditional standard error of measurement among non-linear raw to scale scores methods [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 93-120]
Nilfrooshan, Prisa
Factor structure of high school students’ academic success questionnaire of the Isfahan [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 47-66]
Rafiey, Saeed Reza
Evaluation of Teaching Quality of Faculty Members in Higher Education Institutions: A case study of Faculty of Economics at Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 1-22]
Rezaei, Alimohammad
The Psychometric Characteristics of Task Cost Scale in High School Students in Qom [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 97-120]
Roohi, Alireza
Constructing and Validating the Questionnaire of Interactional Pathologies of Avoidant Men [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 181-205]
Salehzadeh, Parvin
Development and Validation of the Promoting and Preventing Educational Health Academic Lifestyle Behaviors Questionnaire: Perspectives on contemporary theories of achievement motivation [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 61-105]
Shahbazirad, Afsaneh
Investigating confirmatory Factor Analysis, reliability, and validity of the social self-efficacy scale for college students [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 47-60]
Taheri, Azadeh
Study of applying network data analysis in item analysis [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 207-240]
Taheri, Mojtaba
Development and validation of School Reflective Leadership scale [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 65-95]
Taheri, sadegh
Explenation the role of individual and organizational components to develop a model for the personnel promotion and appointment to the Middle Managerial Position with an emphasis on merit [Volume 8, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 21-43]
Taiebli, Masuleh
Psychometric Properties of Behavioral Rating Scale of Executive Functions (BRIEF) in Children aged 6 to 12 Years [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 135-151]
Talepasand, Siavash
The Psychometric Characteristics of Task Cost Scale in High School Students in Qom [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 97-120]
Tanha, Zahra
Construct and validate of personal epistemology questionnaire in children [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 121-146]
Yarmohammadian, Ahmad
Developing and validating the Sense of Agency Inventory for Visually Impaired Individuals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 165-188]
Younesi, jalil
Comparing conditional standard error of measurement among non-linear raw to scale scores methods [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 93-120]
Zamanpour, Enayatollah
Introduction and Application of Facet theory and smallest space analysis: Case study of assessment center's exercises [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 1-17]
Zarghami, Mohammad Hossien
Study of applying network data analysis in item analysis [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 207-240]