Saeed Akbari Zardkhaneh; Seyyed Ainullah Taimouri Fard; Bahareh Alsadat Heydariehzadeh
Considering the significance of evaluating adolescent and family empowerment programs using appropriate measurements, the purpose of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the self-report tool and parent and teacher reports of the Family Strengthening Program (ages ...
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Considering the significance of evaluating adolescent and family empowerment programs using appropriate measurements, the purpose of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the self-report tool and parent and teacher reports of the Family Strengthening Program (ages 10-14). The present study was an applied research study when it came to purpose and used survey-descriptive methods to collect its data. The statistical population included the Iranian adolescents who were studying in the second elementary school (grades four, five and six). The sample consisted of 691 adolescents (331 boys, 360 girls) and 691 parents (334 fathers, 357 mothers), who were selected via cluster random sampling. The survey tools used to collect data were the Adolescent Person Survey Questionnaire, Parent / Guardian Survey Questionnaire, Ability and Problems Questionnaires (Teacher, Parent, and Adolescent versions), and School Quality of Life Scale. Moreover, exploratory and confirmatory analysis revealed a single factor for the Parents and Adolescents Questionnaire. Simultaneously, the validity of the instruments was acceptable. Therefore, it's fair to conclude that these tools possess appropriate psychometric properties to assess the family strengthening program.
Fateme Asl Dehghan; Hamid Rezaeian faraji
Values are guide for attitudes in life and are the main motivators of behavior. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Ethical Values questionnaire. In this study, 300 Iranian students participated through an online call. The instruments were ...
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Values are guide for attitudes in life and are the main motivators of behavior. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Ethical Values questionnaire. In this study, 300 Iranian students participated through an online call. The instruments were the Persian version of the Ethical Values Assessment questionnaire (Padilla & Jensen., 2016), Flourishing scale (Diner, 2010) and Professional Ethics (Cadozier, 2002). The results of face, content and structure validity analysis showed the optimal validity of the scale. Findings from factor analysis confirmed the 3D factors of the scale. The model fit indices were in good condition. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the whole scale was 0.85 and for the dimensions of autonomy, Community and divinity were 0.77, 0.65 and 0.91, respectively. The convergence of the ethical values score with the professional ethics and flourishing score was confirmed. Based on the findings, the psychometric properties of the Ethical Values Scale in Iranian society are appropriate and its use in psychometric evaluations and research is recommended.
Mohammad Mohammadipour; shabnam nourollahi
Digital literacy competencies play a pivotal role in teachers' professional development. However, the absence of effective instrument for measuring teacher digital learning has hampered researches in this area. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of Zimmer, McTigue and ...
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Digital literacy competencies play a pivotal role in teachers' professional development. However, the absence of effective instrument for measuring teacher digital learning has hampered researches in this area. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of Zimmer, McTigue and Matsuda (2021) Digital Learning Identity Questionnaire. The research method was survey. The statistical population of the study was all school teachers in Mashhad who were teaching in the academic year 1399-1400. Using the available sampling method and based on Cochran's formula, the sample size was 420 people. The questionnaire was distributed and completed electronically after translation and validation by experts. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to determine the validity of the structure and internal consistency method (Cronbach's alpha) was used for reliability. The results of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the fit of the model and the structure of the internal relations of the items. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the digital learning identity questionnaire was 0.97 and for self-regulated learning (0.86), Knowledge Resources (0.91), Attitude (0.91), efficacy (0.91), knowledge achievement (0.91) and challenge (0.90) were obtained. Conclusion: Teachers' digital learning identity questionnaire has acceptable psychometric properties and can be used as a valid instrument in research.
sahar rezaie; mahmoud goudarzi
The purpose of this research was to construct and validate the family intelligence questionnaire. This research was practical and tool development type. The statistical population for the preparation of the tool includes parents and students of the fifth grade of elementary school in Kermanshah who were ...
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The purpose of this research was to construct and validate the family intelligence questionnaire. This research was practical and tool development type. The statistical population for the preparation of the tool includes parents and students of the fifth grade of elementary school in Kermanshah who were studying in 1400-1401 and their number was reported 1000 according to the report of the Education Organization, which was a targeted sampling with inclusion criteria. (Families that scored high in the research tool including Epstein Family Function and the age of entering the research is 12 to 65 years old) 40 people were selected until theoretical saturation and were subjected to in-depth interviews, and in the second part of the statistical population to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire, including professors of psychology and counseling 15 people were selected with the entry criteria of having a doctorate degree and having at least 5 years of family-related work experience up to theoretical saturation. To determine the face validity of the tool, it was first examined among 30 families of the community, then exploratory factor analysis, first and second order factor analysis was used to confirm the research data, and Cronbach's alpha was used to measure its reliability. The findings showed that in terms of the factor structure of the 30 items of the questionnaire, it can be reduced to the components of communication skills, common goals and strategies, cohesion, spirit of effort and foresight, ability to solve problems and desire for group knowledge, as well as the results of confirmatory factor analysis. It showed that the six-dimensional model of family intelligence has a good fit and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was reported as 0.972. The coefficients in all components are higher than 0.7, so it can be said that the questionnaire has good reliability.
Maryam Asoodeh; Rasool Kord noghabi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of the wisdom questionnaire. The population was all the citizens living in Hamadan. in doing so, 440 individuals were selected by convenience sampling procedure. Then, in order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of the wisdom questionnaire. The population was all the citizens living in Hamadan. in doing so, 440 individuals were selected by convenience sampling procedure. Then, in order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was administered to the participants of the study. The results of factor analysis showed that 58 items from 121 items were eliminated and the opening of the experience was removed from 9 dimensions and 63 items showed high factor loading. Findings indicate that 8 dimensions of the questionnaire had a total variance of 41.81%. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient and the test-retest of the wisdom questionnaire were 0.85 and 0.87, respectively, which indicates an acceptable level of reliability. Therefore, coordination between dimensions with total score is acceptable. The validity and reliability of the researcher-made questionnaire are at the acceptable level and indicates that the questionnaire is good enough.
Alireza Reisi ghorban abadi; Somayeh Pourehsan; Mahshid Tajrobehkar
The purpose of this study was to identify teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and construction and validation of a questionnaire for teachers' organizational citizenship behavior to assess them. The research method is descriptive survey. The statistical population of this study includes all ...
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The purpose of this study was to identify teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and construction and validation of a questionnaire for teachers' organizational citizenship behavior to assess them. The research method is descriptive survey. The statistical population of this study includes all secondary education teachers (districts 1 and 2) during the 1399-1400 school year in Kerman city .Sampling method was available in this study that in the preliminary implementation of the sample size of 30 people and in the final implementation of 384 teachers were selected as the sample size.To collect the data, teachers' organizational citizenship behavior questionnaires developed by the researchers of the present study (including 35 questions and 5 dimensions), organizational bullying of Inerson et al. (2009) and organizational citizenship behavior of Padsakov et al. (1990) were used. Research data were used through descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The overall reliability of the questionnaire was 0.95 using Cronbach's alpha method. . In the present study, content and structural validity were used to assess the validity of the questionnaire, and the results showed that all items of the questionnaire had high validity. As a result, all items of the questionnaire measure the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior, and the questionnaire has significant reliability and validity and can be used to measure the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior.
Roshanak Khodabakhsh Pirkalani; raziyeh chegini; mohammad Atari
Abstract Background: MACH-IV has been extensively used in personality psychology. The present study aimed to translate and validate MACH-IV in Iranian context. Method: Following a standard back-translation technique, MACH-IV was translated into Persian. A preliminary discussion group with 20 students ...
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Abstract Background: MACH-IV has been extensively used in personality psychology. The present study aimed to translate and validate MACH-IV in Iranian context. Method: Following a standard back-translation technique, MACH-IV was translated into Persian. A preliminary discussion group with 20 students from university of Tehran improved the readability of the scale. A sample of 299 participants was recruited using snowball sampling method. Item analysis, factor analysis, parallel analysis, convergent validity assessment, and internal consistency evaluation were performed to ensure validity and reliability of the Persian version of MACH-IV. Dirty Dozen (DD) was used as a convergent measure. Results: item analysis suggested that 3 items (items 14, 17, and 20) did not have psychometric sufficiency in Iranian context. Remaining 17 items were subjected to an exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation. Parallel analysis suggested 2 factors to be retained. These two factors were labeled as cynical worldview and manipulative tendency. MACH-IV and its subscales converged with Machiavellianism subscale of DD strongly. Internal consistency coefficients of the two subscales and total MACH-IV were 0.73, 0.66, and 0.74 respectively. Conclusion: the 17-item Persian version of the MACH-IV has adequate psychometric properties to be used in research and subclinical settings.
Aydin Motamedin; Seyyed Davoud Hosseininasab; Marzieh Alivandie Vafa
The aim of this study was to conduct a test for diagnosis of behavioral problems in male and female, elementary school students in Tabriz and to investigate its validity and reliability. The research method is descriptive of correlation type. The statistical population consisted of all male and female ...
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The aim of this study was to conduct a test for diagnosis of behavioral problems in male and female, elementary school students in Tabriz and to investigate its validity and reliability. The research method is descriptive of correlation type. The statistical population consisted of all male and female elementary school students who were studying during academic year 2019-2020. A total of 1374 elementary school male and female students were selected as sample members by available sampling method, then mothers of the same students answered the questions of children's behavioral problems diagnosis test and finally the test was constructed based on DSM-5 criteria using factor analysis method. The results of exploratory factor analysis introduced principal component analysis with independent varimax rotation of seven factors, respectively, with the titles of conduct problem, mere hyperactivity, mere attention deficit, academic learning, separation anxiety, oppositional defiance, and social communication, which together explained 32.30% of the total variance of variables. All seven factors and the whole questionnaire had appropriate validity. In addition to face and content validity, the Eigen value method was used more than 1 and the results showed that both the seven factors and the whole test had good validity. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.61 to 0.79 for the reliability of the seven test factors and for the whole test (α=0.90). The mean prevalence of behavioral problems in children in the sample group was 10.4% in the seven obtained factors. Due to the desirable behavioral characteristics of children's behavioral problems diagnosis test, this test can be used to diagnose the seven problems obtained for screen, prevention or treatment in clinical or research work.
Hamid Barani; Seyede Parisa Salamat; Mahbubeh Fouladchang
Introduction: Although different tools have been designed to measure mindfulness, none of these tools comprehensively examined the dimensions of mindfulness together. Moreover, they were related to a specific age group only. In response to this research gap, the Droutman et al.'s Mindfulness Scale (AAMS) ...
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Introduction: Although different tools have been designed to measure mindfulness, none of these tools comprehensively examined the dimensions of mindfulness together. Moreover, they were related to a specific age group only. In response to this research gap, the Droutman et al.'s Mindfulness Scale (AAMS) is designed with 19 items to measure four dimensions of mindfulness for both groups of adolescents and adults. The aim of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of Droutman et al.'s Mindfulness Scale in two groups of students. Methods: The present study, in the form of a psychometric study, sought to investigate the validity and reliability of the Droutman et al.'s Mindfulness Scale. The study participants were 525 people (220 university students and 305 school students) who were studying in 1397-98 academic year and completed Droutman et al.'s Mindfulness Scale, Gilbert et al.'s Social safeness and pleasure scale, Keyes & Magyar-Moe Emotional well –being scale, and Kraaij & Garnefski behavioral emotion regulation questionnaire. The Data were analyzed using correlation coefficient, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the four factors of attention and awareness, being non- reactive, being non-judgmental and being self- accepting. The results of correlation with other tests also confirmed the convergent validity of the scale. The Cronbach's alpha method was used to determine the reliability of the scale, with all coefficients indicating an acceptable internal consistency of the subscales and the total score of the scale. Conclusion: The results show that the Droutman et al.'s mindfulness scale has a very good validity and reliability in Iranian university and school students, and It is effective in measuring mindfulness in the four dimensions mentioned. The results are based on research and theoretical evidence.
Abdollah Omidi; Saeid Ardestani; Hamidreza Hassanabadi
Acceptance and commitment therapy is trying to facilitate a valued living; although, there is not a valid scale for assessment of this concept. The items of questionnaire that are taken from ACT texts and well validated in English; items were translated and afterward three ACT experts checked out formal ...
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Acceptance and commitment therapy is trying to facilitate a valued living; although, there is not a valid scale for assessment of this concept. The items of questionnaire that are taken from ACT texts and well validated in English; items were translated and afterward three ACT experts checked out formal validation of translated Valuing Questionnaire (VQ). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis made for tow factor (1st factor= progress (in valued living), 2nd factor= obstruction (for valued living)) in student publication (N=502) with one subsample (N=300) for exploratory factor analysis and another (N=202) for confirmatory factor analysis. Results of exploratory factor analysis showed tow factor with 54.17 percent of whole variance. Indices of CIMIN/df، NFI، CFI، RMSEA used for fit indices, after effect of modification indices respectively 1.93, 0.06, 0.95, 0.90, 0.87 were received; as regards proposed model was fit with model of exploratory factor analysis. Also in study of reliability by method of Cronbach's alpha for Progress scale α= 0.79 and for Obstruction scale α=0.77 were received that show a good reliability for scales. Valuing Questionnaire (VQ) as a scale for substitution with symptom oriented scales, allow researcher and therapists a rapid, reliable and valid assessment.
somayeh Bakhshi parikhani; masoud gramipour; sadegh hamedinasab
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the questionnaire optimism school science Hui et al (2008) conducted among high school students. Methods: This descriptive study population included all male and female high school students. The sample of 350 students (200 boys and ...
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Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the questionnaire optimism school science Hui et al (2008) conducted among high school students. Methods: This descriptive study population included all male and female high school students. The sample of 350 students (200 boys and 150 girls) who were selected through random cluster sampling. The research school science tools optimism, optimism science student, student self-efficacy and motivation improvement. Data analysis using Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, exploratory factor analysis and correlation coefficient was used. Results: Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the scale combination of 94/0 and 93/0, respectively, which shows the reliability of this scale is desirable. In addition, a correlation coefficient of optimism school scale and the scale of the achievement motivation (93/0) was obtained which confirmed the convergent validity of optimism school. Exploratory factor analysis of three sub-scale collective self-confidence to parents and students and academic emphasis for this scale has confirmed. Conclusion: Measure optimism school science can be used as a reliable and valid instrument in educational and research MvqytHay used.
Ahmad Ghodsi; Siavash Talepasand; Alimohammad Rezaei; mohammadali mohammadifar
Abstract Background: Task cost and its dimensions in the theory of expectance-value are important antecedents to achievement behaviors. The present study aims to validate an instrument to measure the task cost in high school students. Method: The participants were 363 high school students (172 Male, ...
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Abstract Background: Task cost and its dimensions in the theory of expectance-value are important antecedents to achievement behaviors. The present study aims to validate an instrument to measure the task cost in high school students. Method: The participants were 363 high school students (172 Male, 191 Female) in second and third grades who were selected through random multistage sampling and completed task cost scale of Fluke et al, Pintrich's questionnaire of task value, Vallerand's Questionnaire of academic motivation, and Semnan's questionnaire of task value. Data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis. Results: The results show that a four-factor structure (the inside effort cost, the loss of valued alternatives cost, emotional cost, and outside effort cost) fits the structure of cost task. Cronbach's alpha for the total scale was 0.97 and for the subscales of the inside effort cost 0.87, the loss of valued alternatives cost 0.90, emotional cost 0.91, and outside effort cost 0.93. Correlation analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between the scores of subscales of task costs and task value in the range of -0.39 to -0.48. The scores of achievement value, value of internal interest, and value of external interest have a significant relationship with components of task cost in the range of -0.35 to -0.56. Furthermore, the subscales of task cost and reluctance have a significant relationship in the range of 0.22 to 0.29. Conclusion: The Persian version of the task cost scale has acceptable psychometric characteristics for the students and can be used as a valid instrument in psychological researches
َali nikbakht; hamid nashtdoost
According to various cognitive models of emotional disorders, anxious and depressed individuals always give priority to negative information rather than positive and neutral ones. Moreover, tests and treatments designed to modify interpretation bias take advantage of limited tools developed in this respect. ...
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According to various cognitive models of emotional disorders, anxious and depressed individuals always give priority to negative information rather than positive and neutral ones. Moreover, tests and treatments designed to modify interpretation bias take advantage of limited tools developed in this respect. The Ambiguous Scenarios Test (AST) is also a pragmatic one to measure interpretation bias in clinical situations. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Ambiguous Scenarios Test (AST) in Iranian society and formulate it for application in research on interpretation bias relevant to depression. To this end, a total number of 240 university students (61 boys and 179 girls) enrolled at the University of Hormozgan were selected using simple random sampling method. The psychometric properties of the test were similarly examined using exploratory factor analysis, ROC curve, test-retest method with two-week interval, calculation of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, correlation with mood states, diagnosis of people with high and low moods, and correlation with scores of the Dysfunctional Thoughts Scale. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the entire test and the correlation coefficient for the test-retest method with two-week interval were 0.78 and 0.72; respectively. The correlation between the given test and the Dysfunctional Thoughts Scale was equal to -0.57 and the correlation coefficient between group membership and the Ambiguous Scenarios Test (AST) was 0.38. Overall, the results showed that the given test was endowed with proper internal consistency, validity, and reliability and it could also distinguish individuals with negative interpretation bias from those with positive one.
Identification and measurement of emotional factors affecting academic achievement is one of the most active and important areas in educational psychology, which academic optimism is one of the new structures in the field of positive psychology in this regard. The aim of the present study was to evaluate ...
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Identification and measurement of emotional factors affecting academic achievement is one of the most active and important areas in educational psychology, which academic optimism is one of the new structures in the field of positive psychology in this regard. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of Tschannen‐Moran et al Academic Optimism Scale (2013). The questionnaire includes 28 questions that measure three components of academic emphasis, student trust to teachers, and unity to the school. The subjects of this study were 385 students of first grade high school in Khorramabad city during the academic year 2015-2016 (186 boys and 199 girls) who were selected by relative stratified sampling method based on gender and region. The instrument used in this study was the Tschannen‐Moran Optimism Scale (2013). Confirmatory factor analysis method through the main components method to check the validity of the questionnaire and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient to check the reliability of the questionnaire were used. The results of factor analysis showed that three components are revealed by removing four questions from the whole questionnaire and factor analysis of the rest of the questions and results rotation with varimax method. Also, the results of the parallel analysis were used to identify the exact components that the results of this analysis also confirmed these three components. It was also found that the whole questionnaire and its components had high reliability. In a general view, the results of the study showed that the "academic optimism questionnaire" is suitable for students to measure this feature, and to some extent it can meet the needs of the present.
Ali Rezaeisharif; ali sheykhoeslami; fatemeh Rajabpoor Niknam
The purpose of this study was Scale Validation multicultural competence school psychology in school counselors. The method was correlational of kind Factor analysis. The statistical population of this study were male and female school consultants Gilan and Ardabil In the academic year 2015-2016, of which ...
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The purpose of this study was Scale Validation multicultural competence school psychology in school counselors. The method was correlational of kind Factor analysis. The statistical population of this study were male and female school consultants Gilan and Ardabil In the academic year 2015-2016, of which 302 counselor (157 women and 145 men) were selected by convenience sampling method. Multicultural school psychology competency inventory, Cultural intelligence questionnaire and Minnesota Job satisfaction questionnaire used to data gathering. Data were analyzed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and Pearson correlation. The results of the validation method the internal consistency showed that reliability scale Multicultural school psychology competency through Cronbach's alpha was 0/95. Studies related to the face validity, concurrent, former and the structural was confirms validity of the scale. The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that such as mail form this scale has three factors such as Client-Centered knowledge and skills, Second Language & Non-Traditional Skills and Introspection Awareness & Skills. According to the results of this study, Multicultural school psychology competency is tools reliable and valid for assessing amount competency of school counselors multicultural.
Amir Ghasemi Navab
Background: transition to adolescence is accompanied with rapid changes, unexpected and new cognitive, social, emotional and psychological experiences that makes challenges for adolescents and are considered as underlying factors of stress. Aim: The aim of present study was examining the psychometric ...
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Background: transition to adolescence is accompanied with rapid changes, unexpected and new cognitive, social, emotional and psychological experiences that makes challenges for adolescents and are considered as underlying factors of stress. Aim: The aim of present study was examining the psychometric properties of the Iranian version of Adolescent Stress Questionnaire (ASQ) in high school students of both genders. Method: The study sample consisted of high school students in Hamadan city in 2015 school year. 280 students were selected based on multi-stage random sampling. To study psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire, Adolescent Stress Questionnaire was translated with double-translation technique and finally, to evaluate the psychometric properties of the questionnaire, it was administered along with depression, anxiety, stress scale (DASS) and state anxiety Inventory (SAI) of Spielberg. Collected data was analyzed and reliability and validity indicators and confirmatory factor analysis were calculated. Results: Analysis of the collected data showed that the questionnaire has the reliability of 0.75 to 0.85 alpha coefficients in ten subscales, In addition, the concurrent validity of the questionnaire with subscales of depression anxiety, stress scale and trait anxiety questionnaire was equal to 0.34, 0.35, 0.82 and 0.15 respectively which in the p
Hossein Karshki; Mohammad Koohi; zahra ahani
Context: Emotions plays a major role in the educational environment so Scale to measure teachers emotions is noteworthy and significant subject. aim: The aim of this research is to examine Validity and Reliability of TEI in Mashhad. Method: The research method was descriptive-correlative. The required ...
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Context: Emotions plays a major role in the educational environment so Scale to measure teachers emotions is noteworthy and significant subject. aim: The aim of this research is to examine Validity and Reliability of TEI in Mashhad. Method: The research method was descriptive-correlative. The required sample size was determined 023 based on Cochran formula, and participants were selected by random Cluster method. The Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI) of Chen (2016), positive and negative affect scale (PANAS; Watson, Clark and Tellegen) (1988) were completed by participants at the same time. Primary teachers were selected by multi-stage random sampling. Teacher Emotion Inventory and positive and negative scale were tested. The reliability of TEI was confirmed by internal consistency (Cochran`s alpha). The validity was determined by content validity, convergent validity, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Findings: Results showed that alpha coefficient for total size was 0/88 and for subscales was from 0/74 to 0/88. The correlation coefficient between Teacher Emotion Inventory and PANAS for convergent validity was 0/41. The analysis of principle components with Varimax Rotation showed that eigenvalue of 5 factors are considerable which explains 62/49 percent of the total variance. The goodness of fit indexes was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Conclusion: Hence, TEI has a good internal consistency and sufficient validity in the sample of Iranian teachers.
Volume 4, Issue 14 , January 2014, , Pages 43-64
Background: Implicit theory of intelligence is one of the newest socio-cognitive strategies proposed in scholastic motivation.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to investigate the validity and reliability of the 14-item implicit theory of intelligence scale (IT IS-14) (Abd-El-Fattah & Yates, ...
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Background: Implicit theory of intelligence is one of the newest socio-cognitive strategies proposed in scholastic motivation.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to investigate the validity and reliability of the 14-item implicit theory of intelligence scale (IT IS-14) (Abd-El-Fattah & Yates, 2006) in the Iranian student society. This instrument is used to measure the incremental and entity theories.
Method: The sample in this study includes 350 B.A. students in Ahvaz Islamic Azad University and Masjed Soleiman Islamic Azad University. The data analysis was carried out through the use of confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha and Pearson's correlation coefficients statistic methods.
Findings: The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the subscale of incremental theory and subscale of entity theory were calculated as 0.82 and 0.74 respectively. To estimate the criterion validity, Dupeyrat and Marine’s scale of implicit theories of intelligence were used, and the correlation coefficients for the subscales of incremental theory and entity theory were calculated at two scales which were significant at the level of 0.001. To calculate the construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis were applied. The results indicated that the structure of implicit theory of intelligence scale was fit with the data and all indexes of fitness confirmed the model’s fitness. In addition, exploratory factor analysis leads to extract two factors of incremental and entity theories of intelligence.
Conclusion: Given the calculated psychometric properties, researchers can apply this scale applied to investigate implicit theories of intelligence (beliefs about intelligence) in the student society.
Jafar Hasani
Volume 4, Issue 14 , January 2014, , Pages 111-146
Background: emotion regulation is one of the major components in understanding emotional development, psychological health and psychopathology.
Goal: The aim of the present study was to prepare a Persian version of the emotion regulation process strategies questionnaire and to examine its reliability ...
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Background: emotion regulation is one of the major components in understanding emotional development, psychological health and psychopathology.
Goal: The aim of the present study was to prepare a Persian version of the emotion regulation process strategies questionnaire and to examine its reliability and validity.
Method: The Persian version of the emotion regulation process strategies questionnaire was prepared using double-translation technique and administrated to 349 students, 124 males and 2225 females, whose ages ranged from 18 to 32 years. The reliability of the Persian version of the emotion regulation process strategies questionnaire was assessed via internal consistency, item-rest correlations and test-retest methods as well as factor analysis, correlations between subscales and criterion validity was applied.
Results: Cronbach’s alpha’s range (0/57 to 0/94) showed that the Persian version of emotion regulation process strategies questionnaire and its subscales possessed good internal consistency. Item scores and the total score of the corresponding subscales correlated significantly (r =0/48 to r = 0/71) and the test-retest correlation values (0/51 to 0/77) suggested that the scale is stable. Explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis supported the seven factor model of Persian version of the process of emotion regulation questionnaire. The degree of intercorrelation among the subscales was moderately high to substantial (0/31 to 0/87). Finally, with respect to correlation coefficient model between Persian version of the emotion regulation process strategies questionnaire’s subscales and positive affect, negative affect and depressive symptoms indicated relevant criterion validity.
Conclusion: The Persian version of the emotion regulation process strategies questionnaire has relevant psychometric properties for Iranian population as well as to use in research and clinical situations.
simin ronagi; ali delavar; mohamadali mazaheri
Volume 4, Issue 11 , April 2013, , Pages 77-99
Background: Considering the importance of studying the factors affecting organ transplantation in Iran, the present research aims at examining the factor structure, reliability and validity of the organ transplantation attitude scale.
Method: The method of research was descriptive survey. ...
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Background: Considering the importance of studying the factors affecting organ transplantation in Iran, the present research aims at examining the factor structure, reliability and validity of the organ transplantation attitude scale.
Method: The method of research was descriptive survey. A sample of 210 students, who were selected using multistage cluster sampling, completed the questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was assessed using content validity, construct validity and factorial validity. The reliability of the questionnaire was examined through Cronbach's alpha coefficient.
Findings: The pattern of correlation coefficients between the subscales indicated a good construct validity of the scale. The results of exploratory-confirmatory factor analysis were also indicative of good and acceptable fit of items. Moreover, the Cronbach's alpha coefficients for all subscales and total scale were desirable regarding psychometric properties, and reliability coefficient was also good.
Conclusion: Considering the results of the study, the scale constructed in the Iranian society can be said to have good validity and reliability. It can be used to assess the factors influencing organ transplantation in Iran.
mehdi arabzadeh; parvin kodivar
Volume 3, Issue 9 , October 2012, , Pages 1-18
Academic delay of gratification predicts academic performance, motivation, self-regulation and self-efficacy in students. Due to the importance of academic delay of gratification in teaching-learning processes, there is a need for special tools proportional to the Iranian culture. The objective of this ...
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Academic delay of gratification predicts academic performance, motivation, self-regulation and self-efficacy in students. Due to the importance of academic delay of gratification in teaching-learning processes, there is a need for special tools proportional to the Iranian culture. The objective of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of Persian form academic delay of gratification scale, including reliability, validity, and factor analysis. The population consisted of Iranian high school students from Karaj (N = 600, 326 boys and 274 girls) who were selected based on multistage cluster sampling. They were tested by academic delay of gratification scale and motivated strategies for learning questionnaire. Test- retest reliability academic delay of gratification scale based on the results of two performance tests and its internal consistency by Cronbach's alpha coefficients were calculated and confirmed. To analyze the concurrent validity and to determine the validity factor motivation strategy-learning questionnaire was used, which indicated that concurrent validity is adequate. In addition, results indicated that the separate confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for the male and female samples showed a goodness of fit with the data. The findings of factor analysis as well as the reliability and validity coefficients were similar to the previous studies conducted in the original culture. Regarding its good psychometric properties, the scale is an appropriate instrument to measure student's academic delay of gratification.
mojtaba habibi; balal izanluo; ebrahim khodai
Volume 3, Issue 9 , October 2012, , Pages 81-104
According to Kerlinger (1P86), factor analysis is a statistical method serving “scientific parsimony principle”. This technique can be used to reduce multiplicity between variables, purify the relationships among variables, and maximize simplification. In fact, this technique determines The ...
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According to Kerlinger (1P86), factor analysis is a statistical method serving “scientific parsimony principle”. This technique can be used to reduce multiplicity between variables, purify the relationships among variables, and maximize simplification. In fact, this technique determines The dependency among measures and variables and facilitates scientific interpretation. The purpose of the present study is to introduce the application of factor analysis for assigning weight to the variables, exploring the simplest and the most feasible indices with highest weight and significance of evaluation of the sample group, and determining the factor loading for each of the scale items on every one of the explored factors. In the present descriptive study, the data related to the psychological and physiological symptoms of stress among 430 high school teachers of West Azerbaijan Province (105 teachers of physical education and 298 teachers of other fields) were utilized. In the analysis of the data using method of factor analysis, weight was assigned to items and in the next stage, the weight of each item based on the weight of that indicator in the related factor would be used instead of constant weight equal one, in order to come up with final scores of subjects. Results show that there is a significant difference between the two methods in determining the weight of the items by Friedman. Referring to the results, it could be concluded that efficacy of factor analysis in comparing with other ranking methods of indicators was in optimum level.
saeed moshtaghi; malek mir hashemi; hoseyn pasha sharifi
Volume 3, Issue 7 , April 2012, , Pages 71-90
Background: The achievement goal orientation theory is one of the most modem approaches in the motivational psychology. This theory is concerned with students’ motivation. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and the reliability of the achievement goal questionnaire-revised ...
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Background: The achievement goal orientation theory is one of the most modem approaches in the motivational psychology. This theory is concerned with students’ motivation. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and the reliability of the achievement goal questionnaire-revised (Elliot and Murayama, 2008) among the Iranian student population. This instrument was applied to the 2x2 framework assessment. Methods: The questionnaires were administrated to 609 Dezful high school students. The psychometric properties were determined based on the appropriate statistical methods. Results: The Alpha coefficients were estimated in the four subscales between 0.68 and 0.79. The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the structure of the questionnaire had an adequate fitting to the data and confirmed the model. Conclusion: According to the estimated psychometric properties, this instrument can be used by the researchers in order to assess the four achievement goal orientations among the student population.
Masoud Hosseinchari; Hossain Davoudi; Haydar Ali Hooman; Hassan Pasha Sharifi
Volume 2, Issue 3 , April 2011, , Pages 1-20
he present research is mainly focused on how to standardize and prepare a short form for MMPI-2 questionnaire among Iranian university students. The sample consists of 3578 college students (1763 male and 1815 female) at different educational levels (AA, BA, MA, and PhD) from eight provinces, who were ...
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he present research is mainly focused on how to standardize and prepare a short form for MMPI-2 questionnaire among Iranian university students. The sample consists of 3578 college students (1763 male and 1815 female) at different educational levels (AA, BA, MA, and PhD) from eight provinces, who were selected via multistage cluster sampling procedure. An Iranian and shortened version of MMPI-2 consisting of 370 questions was used. To investigate the construct validity of Iranian Shortened Version of MMPI-2, and to evaluate its reliability the principal components factor analysis and Oblimin oblique rotation was used. Results showed that Cronbach's Alpha coefficient as an index of reliability was 0.84 at first. This coefficient was increased to 0.96 through the omission of some questions with a weak co-efficient correlation. Among the remaining 156 questions, thirteen factors were extracted using factor analysis, Oblimin oblique rotation, skewing diagram and explained variance percentile. These factors, as a whole, explained 40.15 percent of the total variance of the variables. The naming of the factors was according to the original MMPI-2 including: Psychasthenia (PT), Frequency (F), Hypomania (Ma), Schizophrenia (Sc), Correction (K), Hypochondriasis (Hs), Hysteria (Hy), Paranoia (Pa), Depression (D), Lie (L), Psychopathic deviate (Pd), Social introversion-extroversion (Si), and Masculinity-Femininity (Mf). General findings indicate that the shorted form of MMPI-2 qualifies psychometric properties for clinical use and research activities in Iranian culture, especially in university settings.
ali mohammad zadeh; mahmud najafi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 2011, , Pages 117-130
The Big Five Inventory (BFI-10) is a shorter, 10 item version of the BFI. It was designed to be used when time limitations in a research protocol does not allow using the longer BFI. It measures personality in one minute or less. In this report, we evaluate 10-item measures of the Big-Five personality ...
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The Big Five Inventory (BFI-10) is a shorter, 10 item version of the BFI. It was designed to be used when time limitations in a research protocol does not allow using the longer BFI. It measures personality in one minute or less. In this report, we evaluate 10-item measures of the Big-Five personality dimensions. The current study was conducted in survey and cross sectional as well as ex-post facto research context. A group of 317 randomly selected normal participants took part in this research. Principal component analysis extracted five factors which were labeled big five traits. However, for this scale other type of validity (convergent validity) and three reliabilities (test, retest, split half and internal constancy) were reported. The factor analysis and validity reliability coefficients demonstrated the same factor structure that previously found. Based on these results, it was concluded that BFI-10 contain good validity and reliability in Iranian population and it can be used, as valid measure in personality screening studies.