Document Type : Research Paper



The Big Five Inventory (BFI-10) is a shorter, 10 item version of the BFI. It was designed to be used when time limitations in a research protocol does not allow using the longer BFI. It measures personality in one minute or less. In this report, we evaluate 10-item measures of the Big-Five personality dimensions. The current study was conducted in survey and cross sectional as well as ex-post facto research context. A group of 317 randomly selected normal participants took part in this research. Principal component analysis extracted five factors which were labeled big five traits. However, for this scale other type of validity (convergent validity) and three reliabilities (test, retest, split half and internal constancy) were reported. The factor analysis and validity reliability coefficients demonstrated the same factor structure that previously found. Based on these results, it was concluded that BFI-10 contain good validity and reliability in Iranian population and it can be used, as valid measure in personality screening studies.
