Fariborz Dortaj; moslem daneshpayeh; fatemeh shakvari vosta
Wisdom is one of the highest virtues and in the vast range of social activities, it ultimately improves itself and society. this study was aimed to examine the psychometric properties of The San Diego Wisdom Scale (SD-WISE). For this purpose, a sample of 350 students of Allameh Tabatabai University (223 ...
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Wisdom is one of the highest virtues and in the vast range of social activities, it ultimately improves itself and society. this study was aimed to examine the psychometric properties of The San Diego Wisdom Scale (SD-WISE). For this purpose, a sample of 350 students of Allameh Tabatabai University (223 females and 132 males) was selected by Stratified random sampling. and answered the SD-WISE questions, which consists of the six components of Social Advising, Emotional Regulation, Decisiveness, Insight, Pro-Social Behaviors, Tolerance for Divergent Values. The statistical characteristics, item analysis, validity coefficients, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to assess the psychometric properties of the scale. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated based on Cronbach's alpha equal to 0.81. The correlation between this scale and the three-dimensional wisdom scale was 0.56, which indicates the validity of the questionnaire.The results showed that after several runs of factor analysis and extraction of different solutions, five factors were extracted using the varimax method. Percentage of the variance shared by variables for the five factors, overall, can explain 54.236 percent of the total variance of variables. In addition, the model of confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm the extracted factors, for which two models were compared and evaluated: the factor structure of the original version and the factor structure derived using the LISREL measurement model. The fit indices showed that the derived five-factor model has better fitness to the data than the original model.
Mehrnoosh Farhang Ranjbar; Fariborz Dortaj; Ismail Saadi pour; Ali Delavar
The purpose of this study was to Designing computer-based Educational program of math concepts and comparing its effectiveness with the traditional method on spatial visual perception students. The research method is semi-experimental and with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical ...
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The purpose of this study was to Designing computer-based Educational program of math concepts and comparing its effectiveness with the traditional method on spatial visual perception students. The research method is semi-experimental and with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population of this study included all male students studying in elementary schools in the fifth district of Tehran during the school year of 2016-2017. The sample size of this study consisted of 45 people who were selected through purposeful sampling. Among them, 15 students in the experimental computer program, 15 students in the experimental group and 15 students in the control group. Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapirovylak, T-test and covariance tests were used to analyze the data of this study. The research tool was the Frosty Space Spatial Perception Test with a reliability of 0. 69 and a computer training program with a reliability level of 0.71. Comparison of moderated averages of the visual-spatial perceptions of the experimental group with the control of the difference in the score shows a score of 93.22, which is significant at the level of 0.001. By summing up these results, it can be stated that education through computer-based math concepts has been effective in improving the visual-spatial perception of students. Comparison of the moderated averages of the visual-spatial perceptions of traditional groups with the educational curve shows the difference between the score of 130.11 and the level of 0/001. These differences are such that the average of the group of computer training programs is always higher than the traditional one.
maryam valizadeh; fariborz dortaj; ali delavar; Kobra Hajializadeh
: Compassion and mindfulness as a basis for psychological evaluation, in order to evaluate and activate the desired variable. Considering the fact that in the research background we found out the effect of the educational package on the desired component of the component as effective instruction, by ...
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: Compassion and mindfulness as a basis for psychological evaluation, in order to evaluate and activate the desired variable. Considering the fact that in the research background we found out the effect of the educational package on the desired component of the component as effective instruction, by the decentralization of the components Negative determination. For this purpose, 297 of all women under the sponsorship of a charity in Rudbar city based on the Morgan table in the year (1396) who had a depression diagnosis based on a score of at least 12 in the Beck Depression Test, were selected by random sampling of target audiences They were . In a intervention group, 15 (one) and a control group of 15 (single) were replaced. The present study was a semi experimental design with pretest-posttest design with control group. The tool was used by Self-employed Scheer Questionnaire (Scherer, Maddox, Mercury, Prentice, 1982). Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to analyze the data. The results show the significant effect of this educational package on self-efficacy in depressed female head of household. Research hypotheses were confirmed at the significant level (p <0.0001).
Mohammad Azad Abdollahpour; fariborz dortaj
The main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the achievement emotion questionnaire-short form among Iranian university students.317 university students (141 male and 176 female) completed the Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form, the Stress Appraisal Measure-Revised, ...
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The main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the achievement emotion questionnaire-short form among Iranian university students.317 university students (141 male and 176 female) completed the Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form, the Stress Appraisal Measure-Revised, and Achievement Goal Questionnaire-Revised. First, ‘alpha if item deleted’ and ‘corrected item-total correlation’ commands were used to develop the short form of the achievement emotion questionnaire. Also, the confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency were used to compute the Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form factorial validity and reliability, respectively. Then, in order to examine the construct validity of the Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form, we compute correlation between different dimensions of Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form with cognitive appraisal processes and achievement goal orientations. the results of confirmatory factor analysis according to comprehensive version of Achievement Emotion questionnaire by emphasizing the breakdown of positive and negative achievement emotions indicated that Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form had internal consistency. Furthermore, Correlational analyses between positive and negative achievement emotions with cognitive appraisals and goal orientations provided initial evidence for the AEQ-SF convergent validity. Internal consistency for the multiple scales in different achievement situations was 0/74 to 087. In sum, on the one hand, the results provide further support for the control-value theory of achievement emotions and on the other hand, these findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the Achievement Emotion questionnaire-Short Form as an instrument to measure of achievement emotions among Iranian university students.
Mohammad Azad Abdollahpour
T he main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the School/University Burnout Inventory (SBI, Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Leskinen & Nurmi, 2009) among Iranian students. 322 university students (166 male, 156 female) completed the SBI and the Schoolwork Engagement Inventory ...
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T he main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the School/University Burnout Inventory (SBI, Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Leskinen & Nurmi, 2009) among Iranian students. 322 university students (166 male, 156 female) completed the SBI and the Schoolwork Engagement Inventory (SEI, Salmela-Aro & Upadaya, 2012). The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis methods and internal consistency were used to compute the SBI's factorial validity and reliability, respectively. Also, in order to examine the construct validity of the SBI, we computed correlations between total score of MSPSS and it's subscales with school engagement. The results of principal component analysis (PC) and varimax rotation replicated 3-factor structure of exhaustion at schoolwork, cynicism toward the meaning of school and sense of inadequacy at school in the Iranian sample. Goodness-of-fit indices of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the 3 extracted factors. Internal consistency for the total score of SBI and its subscale consisted of exhaustion; cynicism and inadequacy were 0/91, 0/85, 0/84 and 0/89 respectively. In sum, these findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the SBI as a instrument to measure of school burnout among Iranian university students.
neda afsharian; fariborz dortaj
Aims:Thepresent research aimed to evaluate the factor validity of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) in a group of Iranian students. Method: The population included all third-grade students who were studying Humanities in Tehran. Using multi-stage cluster sampling, a total number ...
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Aims:Thepresent research aimed to evaluate the factor validity of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) in a group of Iranian students. Method: The population included all third-grade students who were studying Humanities in Tehran. Using multi-stage cluster sampling, a total number of 337 students (176 females and 144 males) were selected and answered the MSLQ. In order to determine the factor validity and internal consistency of the Questionnaire, confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used respectively. Findings: Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor structure of the questionnaire was appropriate to measure intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, control of learning reliefs, self-efficacy for learning and performance, test anxiety, rehearsal, elaboration, organization, critical thinking, meta-cognitive self-regulation, time and study environment, effort regulation, peer learning, and help seeking which could empirically support the internal validity. In addition, the internal consistency coefficient for the questionnairesubscales was reported as 0/78 to 0/91. Conclusion: providing some evidencesfor supporting the theory of self-regulated learning, findings of the research showed that the MSLQ possessedgood psychometric propertiesand consequently can be used as a diagnostic and research instrumentfor measuring the cognitive and metacognitive strategiesin Iranian sample.
kazem nemat; Ahmad Borjali; Fariborz Dortaj
To investigate a model about body image of Iranian’s female students and determining structural relations of physical and psychological factors related to body image, 497 female students from Islamic Azad University Zarand Branch randomly selected. After measuring weight, height and calculating ...
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To investigate a model about body image of Iranian’s female students and determining structural relations of physical and psychological factors related to body image, 497 female students from Islamic Azad University Zarand Branch randomly selected. After measuring weight, height and calculating body mass index of participants, they assessed by body image state scale, self- esteem scale of Marsh self-concept test, the appearance schema inventory-revised, personal appearance beliefs test and body checking questionnaire. Evaluation of the proposed model with structural equation modeling (SEM) by using of maximum likelihood estimation of AMOS software and calculation of fit indices indicated that, hypothetical model has the goodness of fit with the data. Results showed that, these model direct and indirect effects of physical and cognitive-behavioral factors respectively, .417 and .33, explain 53% of variation in body image. These findings are consistent with the results of other research, modeling in the area of body image, and furthermore, helping in better knowing complex biological and psychological structure of body image.
This paper aims to develop a structural model-training in order to optimize the absorption in the country's banking system.The purpose of this research / development and in terms of gathering information is descriptive and correlational research.In order to achieve the goal of Correlation research methods ...
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This paper aims to develop a structural model-training in order to optimize the absorption in the country's banking system.The purpose of this research / development and in terms of gathering information is descriptive and correlational research.In order to achieve the goal of Correlation research methods were used.The target population included all people with managerial post in the banking industry of the Islamic Republic of Iran. They had a total of 1,489 people.Using cluster random sampling of 305 director of state-owned banks, the National Bank Among the governmen banks has become thetprivate ,banks and mellat and tejarat Among private banks pasargad bank were analyzed. Three questionnaires were used to collect data: organizational culture, Cameron and Quinn (1999), organizational strategy Conant et al (1990), the absorption and Mshvlm Bamberger (2000) and competence researcher made questionnaire was used. The results of this study showed that three types of defensive strategy, analyst and prospective and three types of cultural action, constructive and Offensive the direct effect of on the merits.too this study showed The defensive strategy, analyst strategy and futurist strategy And action culture, constructive culture and invasive culture have a direct effect on merits. Based on competency model in this study And to achieve the research objectives, it is our suggestion: Codification A training package According to research findings.
M.R. Mohamadi Soliemani(; Ali Delavar; F Dortaj; B Saleh; SH Sanjari
introduction: Industrial / organizational psychology have noted that the success or failure of an organization largely depends on the quality of its leaders. Psychologists have concluded that leadership effectiveness may not only individual characteristics but leaders must be have characteristics. Purpose: ...
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introduction: Industrial / organizational psychology have noted that the success or failure of an organization largely depends on the quality of its leaders. Psychologists have concluded that leadership effectiveness may not only individual characteristics but leaders must be have characteristics. Purpose: Determine Model for Selection industrial administrators by using FUZZY AHP. Method: 36 manager completed the questionnaires and data have been analyzed by AHP and MATLAB software. Result : Based on the findings "management skills" is the most important feature of Directors. " Ability to persuade" is the most important communication manager. "Planning " is the most important Decision skills. "Risk" is the most important management skills. "Teamwork ability" The most important is the capacity and capability of managers. "Professional performance" managers are the most important personal and professional skills. Conclusions: Organization can use of results of this research for choose their managers.
Mohammad Hossien Zarghami; Ali Delavar; Mohammsd Reza Falsafinezhad; Fariborz Dortaj; Akram Khoshsokhan
Volume 5, Issue 16 , July 2014, , Pages 1-29
The foundation of network data analysis in psychology rests on particular theory, special ontological assumptions and particular methodology. Therefore it is possible to call network analysis as an independent paradigm with given techniques for data gathering and data analysis. This method can be used ...
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The foundation of network data analysis in psychology rests on particular theory, special ontological assumptions and particular methodology. Therefore it is possible to call network analysis as an independent paradigm with given techniques for data gathering and data analysis. This method can be used for studying psychological constructs with network entities (e.g. comorbidity phenomenon). Applying network data analysis in studying relationships of generalized anxiety disorder and major depression disorder symptoms (according to The US National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R)) shows that it is not possible to distinguish between them and we should consider symptoms relationships in studying, diagnosis and therapy for both of them
hadi jafari nejhad; fariborz dorr taaj
Background: Students differ in terms of mental abilities, learning style and rate, fitness, intelligence and aptitude, personality, interest in and motivation for learning, and academic activities as a means of assessing their learning. Objective: The present paper aims to discover some of such differences. ...
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Background: Students differ in terms of mental abilities, learning style and rate, fitness, intelligence and aptitude, personality, interest in and motivation for learning, and academic activities as a means of assessing their learning. Objective: The present paper aims to discover some of such differences. This study seeks to investigate the relationship that exists between personality' and learning approaches in predicting students’ preferences based on six different methods of assessment. Method: The present research is based on a descriptive-survey method and is of a correlative type. Sample: Using cluster sampling method, 410 participants were selected. Instrument: The instruments used in this study included NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory, study skills questionnaire, and assessment methods questionnaire. Results: Data analysis with a correlation coefficient showed that the five personality traits and two learning approaches had a relationship with assessment methods. Moreover, results of multiple regression were indicative of the fact that students with low openness personality trait preferred multiple choice method; whereas students with openness personality traits and deep approaches to learning, preferred descriptive examinations and practical projects. In addition, students with deep approaches to learning, conscientious personality traits and low neuroticism preferred oral tests. As for continuous measurement method, regressions lacked any significance. Students with deep learning approaches and low openness personality trait preferred team work assessment method. Discussion and Conclusion: Students who possess openness and conscientiousness traits and adopt deep learning approach mostly select descriptive examinations, oral tests, teamwork, and practical projects as the assessment method.
mehraneh soltani nejhad; fariborz dor taaj
Volume 4, Issue 12 , July 2013, , Pages 199-222
Background: test anxiety is frequently viewed as a major factor that can impair test performance and lead to underachievement. Objective: the current study was a meta analysis of the performed studies in the area of therapeutically methods applied to reduce test anxiety. Method: to do so the meta analysis ...
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Background: test anxiety is frequently viewed as a major factor that can impair test performance and lead to underachievement. Objective: the current study was a meta analysis of the performed studies in the area of therapeutically methods applied to reduce test anxiety. Method: to do so the meta analysis was used as a statistical technique to collect to combine and to summarize the performed studies in the regarded area which finally led to the collection of 45 convenient studies. Conclusions: the study results show that from among the applied therapeutically methods in reducing the test anxiety there has been greater success for behavioral method followed by cognitive method and the therapist should pay more attention to these methods.
behnam karimi; m Falsafinejad; fariborz dortaj
Volume 2, Issue 6 , January 2012, , Pages 1-23
Background: ease in scoring,performingand identity of multiple choice tests has caused that those apply as the essential instruments in large scale assessments. There was intense criticism toward multiple choices. For example, those not perform all of educational goals (those assess low cognitive levels) ...
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Background: ease in scoring,performingand identity of multiple choice tests has caused that those apply as the essential instruments in large scale assessments. There was intense criticism toward multiple choices. For example, those not perform all of educational goals (those assess low cognitive levels) and because of using guess to answering questions. Herein, some people for solving of these problems were suggested that we should increase choices of questions.
Objectives: The objective of this research was the study of effects of number of item choices on psychometric characteristics of test and items and also on estimated ability of subjects in classical test theory and item- response theory (IRT).
Methods: The statistical population was all of high school’ students of Shiraz. That 608 of them were randomly selected as sample group. In order to response to study questions, we used the empirical method and for data collecting we used two language and arithmetic tests that were provided to this goal.
Results: Data analysis indicated that there was no significant effect of item choices on item parameters and the effect of item choices on estimated psychometric characteristics of subjects in different tests is equal. Furthermore, there was difference between estimated parameters in classical test theory and item-response theory (IRT).
Conclusion: After checking assumptions of item response theory (IRT), this was appeared that data have better fitted with two- parameter model and there was no difference between item choices and fitting with model. In addition, there was difference between estimated ability and item choices too.
ali dellavar; raed parvaz; f Dortaj
Volume 2, Issue 5 , October 2011, , Pages 1-29
Background: Different ways to express anger and its consequences is allocated to a special place in fundamental and applied psychological research. Constructing and validating a useful scale to measure anger is also another important point. Objective: The aim of this research ...
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Background: Different ways to express anger and its consequences is allocated to a special place in fundamental and applied psychological research. Constructing and validating a useful scale to measure anger is also another important point. Objective: The aim of this research was to make and to find norms of multidimensional anger scale (anger arousal, hostile outlook, external and internal angers and anger-eliciting situations) among high school students. Method: The theoretical principles of the previous studies were studied first. Then, the researchers designed a questionnaire based on the framework resulted from studying the achieved resources. After studying the form and content of the raised questions in relation to each of the sub-tests and removing the inappropriate ones, 29 questions were performed for the final performance on a group composed of 400 students (212 males and 188 females) who were slected by the relative classification and random testing method. Results: The result of factor analysis by cycle method of Varimex of five factors equaling to 0/88, variance expression paralleling to theoretical principles of the structure were indicated .The sustainability of the questionnaire through Kranbuch alfa 0/87 and testing method-retest 0/81 and correlational results between the first and second performances in the five factors are 0/79 (Anger arousal), 0/81(Anger out), 0/77 (Hostile outlook) 0/86(Anger In), 0/83 (Anger-Eliciting Situation) respectively. The division method was used to get sure of the sustainability for the two halves 0/85 and 0/82 respectively. The total sustainability of the assumed test was 0/77. After analyzing the data, finding the norms, cut point and interference rate were calculated. The cut point for this test, in proportion with the average and standard deviation was 88/01. According to this cut point, the percent of interference rate 7/2 in the whole sample was 3/8 for the male and 11/2 for the female. Conclusion: it can be suggested the multidimensional anger scale is a valid instrument to measure students' anger.
ali mohammad rezaee; ali delavar; hassan ahadi; fariborz dortaj
Volume 1, Issue 1 , October 2010, , Pages 1-25
The present research aims to construct Iran Students' Evaluation of Educational Quality of faculty and has been administered to measure it’s validity and reliability. 962 students were chosen from Tehran governmental universities in different humanities course of studies to complete the questionnaire. ...
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The present research aims to construct Iran Students' Evaluation of Educational Quality of faculty and has been administered to measure it’s validity and reliability. 962 students were chosen from Tehran governmental universities in different humanities course of studies to complete the questionnaire. The factor analysis was used to study the questionnaire validity and accordingly ten factors were extracted. Regarding the research theoretical basis and the questions contents the fallowing factors has been distinguished: Scientific ability, interest and dynamic, motivation reinforcement and the students abilities, student and faculty human interaction quality in classroom, student and faculty human interaction quality out of classroom, evaluation and feedback, organization, ethical issues observance, educational regulation and order observance and satisfaction from faculty. The questionnaire reliability was assessed by internal consistency using Cronbach coefficient. Based on the obtained results, the coefficient of the ten factors (except to ethical issues observance which is %61) were satisfactory.The smallest Cronbach coefficient after ethical issues observance belongs to educational regulation and order observance which is %69 with three questions and the biggest Cronbach coefficient belongs to scientific ability which is %91 with 18 questions. The questionnaire total reliability coefficient is %97 which is outstanding. Based on the results of this research, the Iran Students' Evaluation of Educational Quality is qualified to be used for evaluation of faculty educational quality by students