Document Type : Research Paper


This paper aims to develop a structural model-training in order to optimize the absorption in the country's banking system.The purpose of this research / development and in terms of gathering information is descriptive and correlational research.In order to achieve the goal of Correlation research methods were used.

The target population included all people with managerial post in the banking industry of the Islamic Republic of Iran. They had a total of 1,489 people.Using cluster random sampling of 305 director of state-owned banks, the National Bank Among the governmen banks has become thetprivate ,banks and mellat and tejarat Among private banks pasargad bank were analyzed.

Three questionnaires were used to collect data: organizational culture, Cameron and Quinn (1999), organizational strategy Conant et al (1990), the absorption and Mshvlm Bamberger (2000) and competence researcher made questionnaire was used.

The results of this study showed that three types of defensive strategy, analyst and prospective and three types of cultural action, constructive and Offensive the direct effect of on the merits.

too this study showed The defensive strategy, analyst strategy and futurist strategy And action culture, constructive culture and invasive culture have a direct effect on merits. Based on competency model in this study And to achieve the research objectives, it is our suggestion: Codification A training package According to research findings.


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