Mehdi Molaei yasavoli; Ali Delavar; Mohammad Asgari; Jalil Younesi; Vahid Rezaei tabar
Efficiency and bias of parameter estimation is one of the most important psychometric issues in behavioral science measurements. The existence of various algorithms such as MHRM and their application in tests with missing data is one of the challenges in the field of item-response theory models. The ...
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Efficiency and bias of parameter estimation is one of the most important psychometric issues in behavioral science measurements. The existence of various algorithms such as MHRM and their application in tests with missing data is one of the challenges in the field of item-response theory models. The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk of MHRM algorithm in multidimensional models of item-response theory in multi-valued data by considering the mechanism and the amount of missing data. The research method was experimental using a multi-group post-test design. The study sample was created based on simulation studies under different conditions of independent variables in 27 cases with 100 replications for each. The model used was a multidimensional scaled response model and the studied parameters were the slope and threshold of the questions. R statistical software was used to generate and analyze the data. The results showed that MHRM algorithm has less estimated risk compared to EM and MCEM algorithms. The results also showed that there is a significant difference in the risk of slope and threshold parameters between three different mechanisms of missing data, but no significant difference was observed in relation to the independent variable of missing data. There was also a significant interaction between the type of algorithm and the missing mechanism, which indicated the optimal performance of the MHRM algorithm. Thus when this algorithm is used, the mean and variance of the MSE slope and threshold parameters in all three loss mechanisms also converge as they decrease. As a result, it can be said that the application of MHRM algorithm is essential in data with high data missing and types of missing. Therefore, researchers are advised to use the MHRM algorithm in data analysis with complex structure such as high data missing and various missing mechanisms
Abdolkarim Shadmehr; Enayatollah Zamanpour; Shoeayb Qasemi
Conducting two nationwide tests in one year necessitates creating alternate forms of the tests and equating their scores. Equating the alternate forms needs specific requirements. In high-stakes tests, pilot testing of items is not possible due to security concerns. This study aimed to investigate the ...
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Conducting two nationwide tests in one year necessitates creating alternate forms of the tests and equating their scores. Equating the alternate forms needs specific requirements. In high-stakes tests, pilot testing of items is not possible due to security concerns. This study aimed to investigate the requirements for equating alternate forms of the first and second 2023 English foreign language nationwide tests. The current research is applied and psychometric, based on secondary data analysis. A total of 13,091 candidates from the first test and 19,915 candidates from the second test of the 2023 English language were randomly selected, and the data from the tests conducted in January 2023 and July 2023 were analyzed. The mean difficulty and discrimination coefficients of the two tests were reported to be close to each other. Equal construct requirement of the two tests with single-factor confirmatory factor analysis, comparing the performance of male and female candidates, and the relationship between test scores and high school GPA were confirmed. Furthermore, the equal consistency requirement was examined, and its value was 0.95 in both test forms. Equating alternate forms necessitates adherence to requirements, where judgmental estimation of item difficulty and using the test specification table can aid test developers in creating alternate forms. Guidelines have been provided to meet the requirements of equating and writing items with similar difficulty.
Sayed Ali Sharifi Fard; mosayeb yarmohamadi vasel; golnaz ali babaei; safdar nabizadeh; zahra javdan
Considering the importance of coping strategies and the preference of respondents and researchers for short and comprehensive forms of measures, in the present study, the psychometric properties of the brief questionnaire of situational coping strategies were investigated and adapted. According to the ...
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Considering the importance of coping strategies and the preference of respondents and researchers for short and comprehensive forms of measures, in the present study, the psychometric properties of the brief questionnaire of situational coping strategies were investigated and adapted. According to the objectives and subject, the method of this research is descriptive and of the type of factor analysis studies. The statistical population was all the students of the universities of Mashhad city, and 660 individuals were selected from this population by multi-stage cluster sampling. The participants responded to measures including Situational Coping Strategies Brief Questionnaire (SCSBQ-28), Ryff Psychological Well-being Scale (RPWS-18) and Single-Question Life Satisfaction Scale (SLSS-1). In the following, 47 participants were identified as incomplete and outlier data. Therefore, the final sample of the study was 613 participants. The results confirmed the 14 factors of the of situational coping strategies brief questionnaire. Convergent and divergent validity were also reported regarding the dimensions and the whole questionnaire with psychological well-being and life satisfaction. Cronbach's alpha of dimensions between 0.63 and 0.86 and the whole questionnaire was calculated as 0.76, which is good. Therefore, researchers and clinicians can use this questionnaire in scientific studies and clinical investigations, considering the fourteen dimensions, comprehensiveness, and shortness of this tool compared to similar tools while being comprehensive.
Shokoufeh Mousavi; Ali Khodaei; Omid Shokri
The capacity of self-directed learning, which is regarded as a survival skill in response to the rapid change of modern society, is therefore identified as one of the major educational aims in many countries. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the psychometric properties ...
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The capacity of self-directed learning, which is regarded as a survival skill in response to the rapid change of modern society, is therefore identified as one of the major educational aims in many countries. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Self-Directed Learning Scale (Lounsbury & Gibson, 2006) in university students. In this descriptive survey research, 400 undergraduate students of Shahid Beheshti University (200 men and 200 women) were selected using available sampling method. Students responded to the self-directed learning scale, the motivational regulation scale (Kim, Brady, & Wolters, 2018) and the motivational persistence scale (Constantin, Holman & Hojbota, 2012). In the first part, the results of principal components analysis emphasized the one-factor structure of the scale. Next, while Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the uni-dimensionality of the scale, a multi-group CFA supported the structure as invariant across genders. Besides, the Cronbach's alpha result showed that the scale was internally consistent. Also, the results related to the correlation between self-directed learning with motivational regulation and motivational persistence provided sufficient evidence in defense of the criterion validity of the self-directed learning scale. To conclude, the present study provides reliability and validity evidence for the SDLS, supporting it as a feasible tool in measuring self-directed learning in the university context in Iran. Furthermore, the study expanded the nomothetic span of self-directed learning by establishing its relationships with motivational regulation and motivational persistence.
Zahra Zahedi; kourosh mohammadi; Anvar Dastbaz; arman azizi
The purpose of this research was to determine the factors of the parent-assisted child emotion regulation scale (PACER) in parents with children under ten years of age and its Iranian standardization. The method of correlational research was factor analysis and the research population included all parents ...
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The purpose of this research was to determine the factors of the parent-assisted child emotion regulation scale (PACER) in parents with children under ten years of age and its Iranian standardization. The method of correlational research was factor analysis and the research population included all parents with children under ten years old in Sanandaj city in 2022. Among them, 370 people were selected using Morgan's table with an available sampling method. The revised scale of parent-assisted child emotion regulation scale (PACER) was implemented in the research sample after translation and verification of content validity. By using the factor analysis principal components method, 10 factors were determined as the main factors of the scale and confirmed by using confirmatory factor analysis. The determined factors (Behavioral commitment, problem-solving, social support, rumination, distraction, reappraisal, acceptance, Expression suppression, projection, and avoidance) had a reliability coefficient of 0.88 to 0.96 and the overall alpha coefficient of the scale was 0.94. The convergence and divergence of the questionnaire were confirmed with two other questionnaires. The results of the research showed that this scale has adequate validity and reliability and can be used as a suitable tool in the field of education and family therapy in Iran.
Farhad Karvan
The present study was conducted with the aim of standardizing the design thinking mentality scale in the curricula of students with design courses. This research is applied in terms of purpose, and in terms of its nature and method, it is descriptive of the correlation type. The statistical population ...
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The present study was conducted with the aim of standardizing the design thinking mentality scale in the curricula of students with design courses. This research is applied in terms of purpose, and in terms of its nature and method, it is descriptive of the correlation type. The statistical population of this research was all students of Hamedan universities with design courses. According to the use of confirmatory factor analysis in this research, a sample of 475 people was selected by cluster sampling method. In order to collect the desired data, the design thinking mentality questionnaire was used. In order to analyze the data, firstly, exploratory factor analysis using SPSS-28 software was used to check the scale factors and distribution of items, and then confirmatory factor analysis was used with Smart-PLS-3 software to validate the items and factors. Based on the analysis, 22 factors for design thinking were identified and extracted. In the present study, group knowledge and group members' interaction were identified as two separate factors. Also, the factors of testing and learning from mistakes were identified as two separate factors. And the components of bias towards action and empiricism were also presented separately. The reliability of the questionnaire was also measured by calculating the reliability indices (internal consistency and retest). In measuring the reliability of the questionnaire with the homogeneity method, Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the factors were obtained from 0.70 to 0.91. Also, the reliability of the questionnaire was obtained between 0.66 and 0.83 for the factors with the test-retest method and in a time interval of 14 days, which shows that the design thinking questionnaire has good reliability