Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Psychology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.


This research was conducted using the meta-analysis method with the aim of synthesizing existing research on the relationship between identity styles and academic performance. The statistical population of the study included all relevant studies conducted in Iran from 1385-1400 and available in the databases of Jahad Daneshgahi, Nurmagz, and Magiran. After evaluating the criteria for entrances and layaway requirements research, the correlation effects of the research were analyzed by CMA software. Also, two models of random effect and fixed effect were calculated. According to the results of the heterogeneous analysis, the randomized model was selected through Q and squared I indices. The findings revealed that the size of the combined effect of the investigated research after the removal of 4 effects size was 0.107. The combined effect size of the research was calculated based on the mean Cohen’s index. The results of heterogeneous analysis revealed of the existence moderating variables in the research as well. The results of this meta-analysis of theoretical and empirical foundations are indicative of the relationship between identity style and academic performance variables. Given the results of this meta-analysis, it can be concluded that for academic performance to be successful, it is essential to address the identity style among university and school students.


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