Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


In recent years, mixed methods research has gained popularity in doctoral theses, particularly in educational administration and higher education. This study delved into the approach, design, and research methodologies employed in these theses. By thoroughly analyzing the abstracts and third chapters of 85 doctoral theses, the research aimed to elucidate the prevailing trends in mixed methods research within the realm of education. The findings of this study reveal that a significant majority, 73%, of the examined doctoral theses aimed at developing patterns or models. Furthermore, 63% of the studies adhered to a sequential exploratory mixed methods approach during their exploration. Moreover, the qualitative phase of the majority (60%) of the research papers utilized grounded theory as a methodological framework. Concerning the quantitative phase, 60% of the studies relied on multiple correlation analysis. These findings not only provide valuable insights for instructing both quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research methodologies in doctoral programs but also underscore the significance of fostering innovation in research designs within the domain of behavioral sciences. Particularly noteworthy is the emphasis on the emergence of pattern development as a burgeoning focal point within doctoral studies.


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