Document Type : Research Paper


In recent decades, the use of mixed methods research has increased in doctoral theses in educational administration and higher education. This study examined the approach, design, and research methods used in these theses. In order to answer the research questions, the abstract and the third chapter of 85 doctoral theses were reviewed. The findings of the study show that nearly three-quarters (73%) of the studies were conducted with the goal of developing a pattern or model. Additionally, 63% of the studies were conducted using a sequential exploratory mixed methods approach. In the qualitative phase of the studies, 60% used a grounded theory approach. In the quantitative phase of the studies, 60% used multiple correlation analysis. The findings of the study, in addition to providing implications for teaching quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research methods in doctoral programs, emphasize the need for innovation in research designs used in doctoral dissertations in the fields of behavioral sciences, particularly in the area of pattern development.
