Shokoufeh Mousavi; Ali khodaei; Omid Shokri
The capacity of self-directed learning, which is regarded as a survival skill in response to the rapid change of modern society, is therefore identified as one of the major educational aims in many countries. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the psychometric properties ...
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The capacity of self-directed learning, which is regarded as a survival skill in response to the rapid change of modern society, is therefore identified as one of the major educational aims in many countries. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Self-Directed Learning Scale (Lounsbury & Gibson, 2006) in university students. In this descriptive survey research, 400 undergraduate students of Shahid Beheshti University (200 men and 200 women) were selected using available sampling method. Students responded to the self-directed learning scale, the motivational regulation scale (Kim, Brady, & Wolters, 2018) and the motivational persistence scale (Constantin, Holman & Hojbota, 2012). In the first part, the results of principal components analysis emphasized the one-factor structure of the scale. Next, while Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the uni-dimensionality of the scale, a multi-group CFA supported the structure as invariant across genders. Besides, the Cronbach's alpha result showed that the scale was internally consistent. Also, the results related to the correlation between self-directed learning with motivational regulation and motivational persistence provided sufficient evidence in defense of the criterion validity of the self-directed learning scale. To conclude, the present study provides reliability and validity evidence for the SDLS, supporting it as a feasible tool in measuring self-directed learning in the university context in Iran. Furthermore, the study expanded the nomothetic span of self-directed learning by establishing its relationships with motivational regulation and motivational persistence.
Majid Soleymani; Ezatollah Ghadampour; Mohamad Abasi
This research was descriptive in nature, aiming to explore the psychometric characteristics of a practical aspect. The statistical sample comprised all students attending the First Secondary School in Qom City during the academic year 1400-1401. A sample of 355 students from the First Secondary School ...
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This research was descriptive in nature, aiming to explore the psychometric characteristics of a practical aspect. The statistical sample comprised all students attending the First Secondary School in Qom City during the academic year 1400-1401. A sample of 355 students from the First Secondary School in Qom City were recruited using a multi-stage cluster random sampling method. The Academic Persistence Scale (APS) by Talib et al. (2018) was administered to them. The data were subsequently analyzed using SPSS22 and AMOS22 statistical software and subjected to exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. The results demonstrated that the extracted factor accounted for 79.93% of the variability in the academic persistence variable. The reliability of the tool was determined to be 0.994 using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, with 0.989 for the first half and 0.988 for the second half using the two-halves method. The Persian version of the Academic persistence Scale (APS) was found to be an effective tool for assessment, as indicated by the outcomes of the exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis.
Simin Hosseinian; Sara Karimi; Faezeh Peimanpak
The Sources of Counseling Self-Efficacy Scale, Malaysia (SCSE-M) is a self-report scale that measures self-efficacy with a focus on how counselors work with 25 items; however, this scale has not been investigated and psychometrically evaluated in Iranian society. The aim of the current study was, in ...
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The Sources of Counseling Self-Efficacy Scale, Malaysia (SCSE-M) is a self-report scale that measures self-efficacy with a focus on how counselors work with 25 items; however, this scale has not been investigated and psychometrically evaluated in Iranian society. The aim of the current study was, in the first step, to translate this scale from English to Persian and then to determine its psychometric properties in Iranian samples. The survey sample consisted of 297 of his 1400 Tehran city counselors, selected in a Convenience non-random sampling, and they responded to the research tools including Counseling Self-Efficacy Scale (2020), General Self-Efficacy Scale (1995), Deiner Flourishing Scale (2010), and Counselors Self-Efficacy Scale (2009). The data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis. According to the findings, face validity, content, and structure showed the appropriate validity and reliability of this tool. We used the combined reliability and Cronbach's alpha coefficient to assess the reliability and internal consistency of the Counselor Self-Efficacy Resource Scale, and the results showed that this scale has good internal consistency and composite reliability. Finally, the analysis of the correlation matrix related to the variables of the study showed that the Counseling Self-Efficacy Resource Scale had a positive and significant correlation with the general self-efficacy scale (GSE-10), Deiner Flourishing Scale, Counselors Self-Efficacy Scale, age and activity experience (p<0.01). The results of the present study demonstrated that this scale has favorable statistical properties in Iranian samples and can be reliably used in Iranian samples to assess self-efficacy in counseling.
Amir Qorbanpoorlafmejani; Nasrin Jalali heris; Sajjad Rezaei
This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Holden and Hawk Meta-Parenting Questionnaire (MPQ) in a sample of Iranian fathers. The research method is applied and descriptive in terms of its purpose, the data of which has been collected ...
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This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Holden and Hawk Meta-Parenting Questionnaire (MPQ) in a sample of Iranian fathers. The research method is applied and descriptive in terms of its purpose, the data of which has been collected in the form of a survey. During three sub-studies, the fathers of Rasht city were selected in an accessible manner and answered the Persian translated version of the MPQ. In the first study, test-retest reliability was evaluated and this index was r=0.841 for the total score and at the level of evaluation components (r=0.802), predictability (r=0.858), reflection (r=0.839) and problem solving (r=0.864) were obtained and were significant at P<0.001 level. The intra-cluster correlation coefficient was also obtained in all cases ICC > 0.90. In the second sub-study (n=240), Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the whole tool was calculated as 0.778, and for the subscales in the range of 0.70 to 0.73. In the first-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), items 3 and 4 from the evaluation component, item 10 from the prediction component, items 15 and 16 from the reflection component and items 18, 19 and 20 from the problem solving component were removed, because factor loadings less than 0.3 and the construct validity indices confirmed the appropriate fit of the final model. Evidence of concurrent validity also revealed that the MPQ total score has been able to significantly predict and explain the variance of the scores of the family functioning variables in the expected directions. The Persian version of MPQ in fathers with a four-factor structure and after removing 8 questions has good retest reliability, internal consistency, construct validity and concurrent validity.
Zahra Fatehi Peykani; Hossein Ebrahimi Moghaddam; Haeideh Saberi
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Adolescent Resilience Scale (ARS) among girl adolescents in Iran. In a correlational study, 486 female adolescents were surveyed using the Adolescent Resilience Scale (ARS), Adolescent and Adult Mindfulness Scale (AAMS), ...
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Adolescent Resilience Scale (ARS) among girl adolescents in Iran. In a correlational study, 486 female adolescents were surveyed using the Adolescent Resilience Scale (ARS), Adolescent and Adult Mindfulness Scale (AAMS), Cognitive Reappraisal Scale (CRS) and Proactive Coping Scale (PCS). The principal component analysis method with oblimin rotation were used to compute the ARS's factorial validity and correlation coefficients between resilience dimensions with mindfulness, active coping and cognitive reappraisals were used to compute the ARS’s criterion validity. The results of the principal component analysis showed that the adolescent resilience scale consisted of 4 factors: positive orientation towards the future with a high internal consistency of 0.90, emotional regulation with an internal consistency of 0.75, novelty seeking with an internal consistency of 0.77, and patience with an internal consistency of 0.65. Furthermore, the correlation coefficients between dimensions of resilience with mindfulness, cognitive reappraisal and active coping supported the criterion validity of the adolescent resilience scale. This study provides evidence for the validity and reliability of the Adolescent Resilience Scale (ARS) as a measure of psychological resilience as a dynamic process of positive adjustment to stressful experiences and positive development in girl adolescents. The empirical findings support the conceptualized construct of psychological resilience and the effectiveness of the ARS in examining its manifestations.
Zahra Hajiheydari; Abbas Abdollahi; Somaye Ghiasi
The concept of Compassionate Love for Humanity (CLS-H-SF) has gained popularity over the past two decades. However, its application among adolescents is scarce due to the absence of research. Therefore, this study sought to examine the psychometric properties of the CLS-H-SF Scale in adolescents to provide ...
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The concept of Compassionate Love for Humanity (CLS-H-SF) has gained popularity over the past two decades. However, its application among adolescents is scarce due to the absence of research. Therefore, this study sought to examine the psychometric properties of the CLS-H-SF Scale in adolescents to provide practical guidance, especially in academic- and career-counseling settings for high school students. A total of 479 adolescent student volunteers accessed the online survey, which included the following validated Persian versions of the measurement scales: The Compassionate Love for Humanity Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Scales, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. The validity of the scale was assessed via the correlation of items with the total score and confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability was determined using the Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient. The Compassionate Love for Humanity was positively correlated with positive affect, self-esteem, and life satisfaction, whereas it displayed a negative correlation with negative affect. The confirmatory factor analysis findings endorsed a one-factor model, and the internal consistency of the scale was deemed satisfactory. In conclusion, the Persian version of the Compassionate Love for Humanity Scale possesses acceptable psychometric properties and is a reliable, valid, and concise measure for adolescents.
Gholam Reza Ghazanfari; Zohreh Rafezi
Narcissism is a condition that impairs interpersonal relationships and experiences, thinking, feelings, and inclinations. Timely and accurate diagnosis of the disorder is crucial for successful psychological interventions. Numerous assessment tools have been developed in accordance with this need, each ...
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Narcissism is a condition that impairs interpersonal relationships and experiences, thinking, feelings, and inclinations. Timely and accurate diagnosis of the disorder is crucial for successful psychological interventions. Numerous assessment tools have been developed in accordance with this need, each with its own strengths and shortcomings. The goal of this study was to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Sherman Short-Form Five-Factor Narcissism Scale (FFNI-SF), specifically among the university student population. A sample of 576 students from various academic levels of three universities (Allameh Tabataba’i University of Technology, Tehran University, and Amirkabir University of Technology) completed the FFNI-SF, Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI), and Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI). The psychometric analysis yielded favorable results, with the internal consistency index of the scale, Cronbach's alpha, registered at a satisfactory value of 0.87. The test-retest reliability of the whole scale, measured at three-week intervals, resulted in a value of 0.88 and the test-retest coefficients of the subscales ranged from 0.55 to 0.81. These outcomes indicate satisfactory internal consistency and stability. Furthermore, the test's validity was demonstrated with the overall correlation value of the scale score with two instruments (PNI and NPI), respectively, of 0.52 and 0.53, indicating adequate convergent validity. Based on the analyses performed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the questionnaire demonstrated adequate construct validity, indicating its suitability for use by experts in assessing narcissistic traits. Overall, the results revealed the validity and reliability of the Iranian version of the scale, justifying its application to evaluate narcissistic personality traits.
Marziyeh Karimi; Sadegh Nasri; Fatemeh Ghaemi
The aforementioned title is more appropriate for your research and provides clear information regarding the study's scope, objectives, background, study population, and methodology. It also provides a straightforward description of the study's central topic- parental stress- along with its relevance ...
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The aforementioned title is more appropriate for your research and provides clear information regarding the study's scope, objectives, background, study population, and methodology. It also provides a straightforward description of the study's central topic- parental stress- along with its relevance to mothers of individuals with ASD. The statistical sample was 276 people who were selected in an available manner. The tools were the Autism Parenting Stress Scale of Phetrasuwan and Miles (2009) and the Resilience Scale of Conner and Davidson (2003). Descriptive and inferential statistics, in addition to confirmatory factor analysis, were utilized for the data analysis. The software packages used for the analysis, namely, SPSSV25 and Smart PLS version 3.2, are specified as well. Notably, the findings revealed a high internal consistency (with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.953) of the Autism Parenting Stress Scale and its components. The reliability coefficients for the subcomponents range from 0.76 to 0.92, with a general CR of 0.962. The face and content validity of the scale were confirmed by the opinions of parents and experts. Criterion validity using the resilience scale has been equally acceptable. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that while the scale has favorable convergent and divergent validity, the four-factor model was confirmed. Considering the appropriate reliability and validity, it is recommended that clinical experts and researchers use the mentioned scale to measure the parenting stress of mothers.
Azam Mansourinik; Iran Davoudi; Abdolkazem Neisi; Mahnaz Mehrabizade Honarmand; MohammadReza Tamannaeifar
Objectified Body Consciousness Scale is a prominent scale of the key construct in the body image literature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Psychometric properties of the Persian version of Objectified Body Consciousness Scale in women. 290 female undergraduate students of Shahid Chamran ...
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Objectified Body Consciousness Scale is a prominent scale of the key construct in the body image literature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Psychometric properties of the Persian version of Objectified Body Consciousness Scale in women. 290 female undergraduate students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz who were selected by multi - stage random sampling participated in this research. In order to collect information the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (McKinley & Hyde,1996), Appearance Schemas Inventory (Cash & Labarj,1996) and appearance orientation subscale of Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire -Appearance Scale (Cash,2000) were used. The validity of the OBCS was measured using confirmatory factor analysis and convergent validity, and the reliability of the scale was assessed by internal consistency and Half-Split. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated an acceptable fit of the extracted model. Correlation coefficients between the OBCS and its factors (body surveillance, body shame and appearance control beliefs) with appearance schema and appearance orientation showed that the scale has good convergent validity (p <0.01). Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient for OBCS and its factors (body surveillance, body shame and appearance control beliefs) were calculated to be 0.71, 0.78, 0.75 and 0.65, respectively. Also, the reliability coefficients of the OBCS were obtained by Half-Split method (Spearman-Brown and Guttman) 0.50 and for its factors (body surveillance, body shame and appearance control beliefs) in the range of 0.65 to 0.71, and by retest method 0.79 and for its factors (body surveillance, body shame and appearance control beliefs) 0.83, 0.66, and 0.63 respectively after four weeks. The results indicate that the OBCS in Iran has a good validity and reliability.
Asghar Minaei; Marzieh Hassani
The Big Five Inventory (BFI) is one of the most widely used personality questionnaires, but very few studies have been conducted on its psychometric properties in Iranian population. This study was carried out with the aim of studying the psychometric properties of the BFI questionnaire. For this purpose, ...
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The Big Five Inventory (BFI) is one of the most widely used personality questionnaires, but very few studies have been conducted on its psychometric properties in Iranian population. This study was carried out with the aim of studying the psychometric properties of the BFI questionnaire. For this purpose, 390 university students in Tehran (210 girls and 180 boys) with an age range of 18 to 56 years (M = 27.52; SD = 8.79) were selected using the convenience sampling method and completed BFI and NEO-FFI questionnaires. Cronbach's alpha, multitrait-multimethod matrix, and confirmatory factor analysis were used to estimate the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. The result of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that 15 of the 44 items did not have a strong factor loading (higher than 0.40) on the corresponding factors and were therefore removed from the questionnaire. The fit indices showed that the Persian version of 29 questions (BFI-29) with 5 factors has a good fit with the data. The reliability analysis also showed that the range of Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the factors is from 0.70 to 0.79. The lowest Cronbach's alpha coefficient was related to agreeableness factor and the highest was related to conscientiousness. The findings from the multitrait-multimethod matrix showed that the BFI-29 questionnaire has good convergent and divergent validity with the NEO-FFI questionnaire. In general, based on the results of the present study, it can be said that the BFI-29 questionnaire has desirable psychometric properties and whenever a short tool for personality measurement is needed, this questionnaire can be used.
marziyeh hamzehzadeh; vahid meshki; Shahriar Shahidi; Rouhollah Mansouri Sepehr
Due to the impact of dogmatism on many areas of individual and social life, much research is done focusing on this cognitive construct. However, since that there is no instrument in Iran for assessing Dogmatism, the aim of this study is to prepare Rokeach’s Dogmatism questionnaire and investigate ...
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Due to the impact of dogmatism on many areas of individual and social life, much research is done focusing on this cognitive construct. However, since that there is no instrument in Iran for assessing Dogmatism, the aim of this study is to prepare Rokeach’s Dogmatism questionnaire and investigate its reliability and validity in Iranian students. Finally, 412 students were selected using multi-stage stratified sampling from Shahid Beheshti University students and completed the Persian version of Rokeach’s Dogmatism Questionnaire along with the Conservative thinking style subscale of Sternberg’s thinking styles Inventory. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis by principal component analysis. Analysis showed that the questionnaire is composed of 12 factors having values above 1, which altogether explain 56 percent of its variance. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.75 for whole questionnaire and its correlation with the Conservative thinking style subscale was significantly positive. The results of the present study indicate that this questionnaire is relatively suitable for implementation in the Iranian student community.
Marzieh Saviz; Elaheh Hejazi; Keyvan Salehi; Gholamali Afrooz
Morality is recognized as a context and culture dependent concept and the correct measurement of morality by means of valid and appropriate instruments of the related context and culture has always been the focus of psychologists. The main purpose of this study was to develop a scale for assessing morality ...
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Morality is recognized as a context and culture dependent concept and the correct measurement of morality by means of valid and appropriate instruments of the related context and culture has always been the focus of psychologists. The main purpose of this study was to develop a scale for assessing morality in Iranian adolescents and to validate this scale. The research method was a mixed method and the design was exploratory and tool development. The research sample in the quantitative section consisted of 1823 first grade male and female students in districts 4, 2, 3, 16 and 11 of Tehran who were selected by multistage sampling.In the qualitative section after the qualitative analysis of the interviews, it was determined that Iranian adolescents define ethics in seven categories: justice, care, moral agency, moral sensitivity, moral responsibility, moral motivation, and personal values. Using qualitative findings, the moral tool was constructed and after preliminary implementation, the validity and reliability of the original sample was assessed.The content validity of the scale was confirmed by experts and with CVR index of 0.91. The criterion validity was assessed by running the Davies Empathy Questionnaire (1983) and the correlation coefficients of the two questionnaires. The construct validity was confirmed by second-order factor analysis as well as the mean variance extracted (AVE). The reliability of the instrument was confirmed by internal consistency and Cronbach's alpha coefficients (0.87) and composite reliability test for components ranged from 0.72 to 0.87. According to the results of this study, the instrument of moral development of adolescents for measuring this construct in Iranian samples has good reliability and validity.
Seyedeh Asma Hosseini; hannane mohammadi; Zeinab Saadat
Resilience as a process of positive adjustment in front of significant sources of stress, has some types. One of the types that has recently been considered is cognitive resilience. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Cognitive ...
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Resilience as a process of positive adjustment in front of significant sources of stress, has some types. One of the types that has recently been considered is cognitive resilience. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Cognitive Resilience Scale (CRS) in a sample of Iranian society. First, the translation and re-translation of the English version of CRS was done and the Persian version of it was prepared. A total of 300 Iranian subjects completed the CRS, Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI), and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). The results showed that the content validity of the CRS was reviewed and confirmed based on the opinions of 10 psychologists. Evaluation of psychometric properties of CRS questionnaire using confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis method showed that the questionnaire has appropriate psychometric properties. Convergent validity was examined by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient of CRS with CFI and CD-RISC, and indicated a significant positive correlation between them. Reliability was also obtained by Cronbach's alpha and retest. The Persian form of CRS in the Iranian sample has sufficient validity and reliability.
Abolfazl Karami; Raana Karami; Ali Alipour
Abstract:The aim of this study concerned with validating the fifth version of Wechsler Children’s Intelligence Test on Iranian children aged between 6 and 16 years old.According to the statistics of students studying in elementary school and junior high school, 1200 people were selected as a multi-stage ...
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Abstract:The aim of this study concerned with validating the fifth version of Wechsler Children’s Intelligence Test on Iranian children aged between 6 and 16 years old.According to the statistics of students studying in elementary school and junior high school, 1200 people were selected as a multi-stage cluster research model. Wechsler Children’s Intelligence Test 5th edition and Wechsler Children’s Intelligence Test 4th edition, were the measuring instruments. The reliability of subtests, intelligence quotient and indexes were performed using three following methods: bisection, Cronbach’s alpha, and retesting.To calculate and analyze the test validity, the criterion method was simultaneously performed on 240 people with the correlation of indexes and Wechsler 5 intelligence with Wechsler IV; and structural validity through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. To analyze and operation of all subtests, the difficulty coefficient and discriminative coefficient were calculated. The results of the findings of the all three methods used for reliability showed that this test is highly validated in Iran, and the results were consistent with the results of the same test compare in the United States. The difficulty and discriminative coefficient of the questions were appropriate in Iran. Due to the up-to-date and high psychometric properties of this test in Iran and obsolescence of previous versions, it is recommended to use this test to evaluate children aged between 6 and 16 years old in Iran. Keywords: Intelligence, Reliability, Validity, Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children 5th edition and Iranian Elementary and Junior High School Students 6 to 16 years old
nasibeh zarei manoojan; Massoud Hosseinchari; bahram jowkar; Razieh Sheikholeslami
One of the crucial needs of students for entering the next stages of life is earning academic psychological capital at school, a capital facilitating their entrance to organizational community and university. Considering the importance of psychological capital in the area of education and lack of a valid ...
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One of the crucial needs of students for entering the next stages of life is earning academic psychological capital at school, a capital facilitating their entrance to organizational community and university. Considering the importance of psychological capital in the area of education and lack of a valid and reliable instrument for measuring it during the high school period, the present study attempted to fill this gap and to provide evidence related to determining the reliability and validity of the academic psychological capital scale. This scale was designed and developed on the first and second secondary levels at Manoojan, Iran. A sample of 260 participants were chosen through convenience sampling and responded to the questionnaire items. For determining the reliability and construct validity of the scale, first and secondary confirmatory factor analysis was used. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that all four factors identified based on the theoretical underpinning of the study were confirmed. The criterion validity was assessed through correlation of the results with those obtained from the Lootanz's (2007) psychological capital scale, and the total reliability coefficient for the scale developed in the study was found to be .92. Consequently, it can be stated that the developed scale can be used in research studies in the realm of academic psychological capital.
mohammad asgari; Azam Kalaee; maryam pourmoosavi
The purpose of this study was to validate the online narcissism personality inventory (ONPI) in the Iranian sample. This research is an applied and methodologically was descriptive survey research. The statistical population included all individuals aged 18-50 years old active in cyberspace residing ...
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The purpose of this study was to validate the online narcissism personality inventory (ONPI) in the Iranian sample. This research is an applied and methodologically was descriptive survey research. The statistical population included all individuals aged 18-50 years old active in cyberspace residing in Tehran. 400 individuals (200 females and 200 males) were selected using available sampling method. First, the online narcissism personality inventory (ONPI) was translated into Persian and its content validity was confirmed by psychology and counseling professors. After collecting the required samples, reliability of this tool was determined by SPSS-23 software using Cronbach's alpha for the components of Authority (α = 0.758), Self-Sufficiency (α = 0.767), Superiority (α = 0.712), Exhibitionism (α = 0.764), Exploitativeness (α = 0.754), Vanity (α = 0.705), Entitlement (α = 0.714) and for the whole inventory (α = 0.838). The construct validity of this tool using exploratory factor analysis also showed that the data obtained with the 7-factor model were goodness of fit. Then, the validity and reliability of the inventori's standard scores for each range of scores were assessed by Jmetrik-4.1.1 software. Behaviors that people display in the Cyberspaceare different from the real world, this tool can be used as a convenient tool for measuring narcissism.
karim abdolmohamadi; Ghadiri Sourman Abadi Farhad; Khoshdavi Ebrahimzadeh; Amir Alizadeh; Mostafa Zarean; Fahimeh Nourafkan
Considering the extent of developmental-behavioral problems, existing questionnaires assess the limited aspects of these problems. Developmental -Behavioral Problem Questionnaire (FTF) is more comprehensive than other tools and made with a comprehensive look at these problems. The purpose of this study ...
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Considering the extent of developmental-behavioral problems, existing questionnaires assess the limited aspects of these problems. Developmental -Behavioral Problem Questionnaire (FTF) is more comprehensive than other tools and made with a comprehensive look at these problems. The purpose of this study was to validate this questionnaire in Iranian society. The present study is descriptive. A sample of 700 individuals was selected through cluster sampling from Tehran, East Azarbaijan, Isfahan, Ahvaz and Kurdistan provinces, 55 subjects were excluded from the statistical analysis due to incomplete response to the questionnaires, in this way, the final sample was reduced to 645 mothers. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 25 and LISREL. The present questionnaire consists of 18 dimensions. The reliability coefficients of the dimensions of the questionnaire are between 0/486 (defective in organizing) and up to 0/916 (academic skill deficiency). And also with regard to the fitting indicators reported, the six-factor model is considered to be the best-fit model. According to the findings of the present study, the developmental -Behavioral problems (FTF) questionnaire(FTF) in Iranian society as a tool for evaluating developmental-behavioral problems has a good validity. And can be used as a valid tool in clinical and research settings.
Yaser Garavand; Mohammad Koohi; Elahe Seyed kaboli; ahmad alizadeh
The present study was conducted with the aim of constructing and investigating the factor structure of students' research engagement questionnaire. The research method was survey and the statistical population includes all of the postgraduate students of humanities faculty (Literature and Humanities, ...
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The present study was conducted with the aim of constructing and investigating the factor structure of students' research engagement questionnaire. The research method was survey and the statistical population includes all of the postgraduate students of humanities faculty (Literature and Humanities, Islamic Theology and Science, Sport Sciences, Education and Psychology, Administrative and Economic Sciences) at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (N=3199). Using Cochran formula, the sample size was estimated to be 343 student. The participants were selected by stratified random sampling. The theoretical model Linnenbrink and Pintrich (2002) was determined as the basis of scale construction. This model includes three components of cognitive, emotional, and leadership engagement. SPSS and AMOS software are used for data analysis. Content validity and confirmatory factor analysis were used to determine the validity of the questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha coefficient to check the reliability. The results showed that the alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.89 and for cognitive (0.80), emotional (0.73) and behavioral (0.76). Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 8 experts of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (based on CVI) and inappropriate items were removed. Goodness indicators confirmed the fit of the model. According to the research results the research engagement questionnaire had good internal consistency and validity and this questionnaire can be used in research.
mina nezami; Zahra Naghsh; Elaheh HejaziHejazi
This study investigated the validity, reliability and factor structure of Delaware school climate- student (DSCS-S) (Bear, Gaskins, Blank, Chen, 2016) in Iranian girl high school students. 500 girl high school students from grade 11 (250 experimental sciences, 250 human sciences) were selected through ...
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This study investigated the validity, reliability and factor structure of Delaware school climate- student (DSCS-S) (Bear, Gaskins, Blank, Chen, 2016) in Iranian girl high school students. 500 girl high school students from grade 11 (250 experimental sciences, 250 human sciences) were selected through multi-stage sampling method and Persian version of DSCS-S was administrated among three towns of Zanjan province. The results based on item analysis showed that Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the scale was 0.92. Then the internal consistency of the scale was high. Confirmatory factor analysis also confirmed this structure and the existence of 7 factors: teacher-student relations, student-student relations, student engagement, clarity of expectations, fairness of rules, school safety and bullying. The factor structure of the scale was invariant by major. Goodness of fit indicates of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the 7 extracted factors. Based on the results, Persian version of DSCS-S can be used as a precise instrument among girl high school students in Iran.
kamran sheivandi; yaser azad farsani; mousa riahi
Self-efficacy is one of the important structures in Bandura's cognitive-social theory and it means the individual's confidence and belief in his ability to control his thoughts, feelings, activities, and his effective performance in stress situations.The purpose of the present study was to examine factor ...
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Self-efficacy is one of the important structures in Bandura's cognitive-social theory and it means the individual's confidence and belief in his ability to control his thoughts, feelings, activities, and his effective performance in stress situations.The purpose of the present study was to examine factor structure and psychometric properties of the Career decision Self- Efficacy Scale Short Form among the students. The research method was correlation (validity and reliability measurement) and the statistical population consisted of students university of Tehran in the academic year of 2016-2017, from which a sample of 367 students were selected by cluster random sampling. Measuring instruments were the Career decision Self- Efficacy scales. To investigate the validity aspect of Career decision Self- Efficacy scales confirmatory factor analysis technique (CFA) was used. The results showed that the model parameters are fit. The scale reliability coefficient, and internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha was 0.88. According to the results, the Career decision Self- Efficacy scales, in the community students university of Tehran, has good reliability and validity.
sajjad basharpoor; mina taherifard; gelavizh mohamadi
Background: In two current decades, it is posed that the six factor of personality (HEXACO( provide the comprehensive explanation of personality, thus construction and validating the HEXACO questionnaires is important. Aim: Giving the importance of six factor model of personality (HEXACO) in behavioral ...
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Background: In two current decades, it is posed that the six factor of personality (HEXACO( provide the comprehensive explanation of personality, thus construction and validating the HEXACO questionnaires is important. Aim: Giving the importance of six factor model of personality (HEXACO) in behavioral research. Method: this research was conducted in order to investigate psychometric properties of Persian version of brief HEXACO inventory in university students. The all students of university of Mohaghegh Ardabili in 2014 educational years comprised the statistic population of this study. three hundred and seventy students (211 male and 159 female) were selected Multistage cluster randomly, then participated in this research. The subjects responded individually to the questionnaires of brief HEXACO inventory, revised Life Orientation Test, GHQ-12 and big five personality at classrooms. The gathers data were analyzed by tests of Pearson correlation, independent t, and explorative and confirmatory factor analyze using by SPSS21 and LISREL8.8 softwares. Results: The results of the explorative factor analyze showed the six factors with eigenvalue higher than 1, this 6 factor were explaining 75/20 % of variance together. Confirmatory factor analysis indicators also implied to the optimal fitness of three-factor model of this questionnaire. The results of the Pearson correlation showed the statistically significant correlation between brief HEXACO and big five subscales. The cronbach,s alpha coefficients for the subscales were obtaining ranging 0/78-0/94. Conclusion: Basing the results of this study, it can be conclude that brief HEXACO inventory scale has well validly and reliability for uses in university student’s populations.
Zabihollah Abbaspour; abbas amanelahi; asgar choubdari
Emotional blackmail is a powerful form of manipulation in which one person close to another threaten, either directly or indirectly, to punish him if he doesn't do what those person wants. The main purpose of the present study was to examine psychometric properties of Emotional Blackmail Scale (EB) including ...
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Emotional blackmail is a powerful form of manipulation in which one person close to another threaten, either directly or indirectly, to punish him if he doesn't do what those person wants. The main purpose of the present study was to examine psychometric properties of Emotional Blackmail Scale (EB) including construct validity, convergent validity and internal consistency. The study was a survey type. The statistical population of this research included all of married women in Ahvaz. Out of this population, 269 women selected through convenience sampling and completed Emotional Blackmail Scale (EB) and Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Scale. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed three factors (fear, obligation and guilt feeling) but two-factor structure was not confirmed. The convergent validity of Emotional Blackmail Scale (EB) was supported by an expected pattern of correlation between this scale and Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Scale. All correlations between the mean scores on Emotional Blackmail Scale (EB) and Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Scale were statistically significant. Coefficient’s Cronbach alpha were between 0/78 to 0/85. Findings showed that this scale can be used in clinical and research studies and the use of these scales is recommended to psychologists and family counselors.
foruzan baghebanzade; morteza omidian; Gholam hosein Maktabi
Background: High school is an inevitable conflict as a collective place in the presence of adolescents with many interpersonal relationships with their peers. In the present study, student’s conflict is defined as a mode of incompatible behaviors or goals and tension between students and values, ...
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Background: High school is an inevitable conflict as a collective place in the presence of adolescents with many interpersonal relationships with their peers. In the present study, student’s conflict is defined as a mode of incompatible behaviors or goals and tension between students and values, communication styles and different perspectives, and in this context, social skills including conflict management skills will be necessary for improving Students' social and mental adaptation. Purpose: The present study is done to investigate the validity and reliability of conflict management questionnaire. Methodology: The statistical population of this research is all girls in the second grade of secondary school in Dezful city and 300 students have a satisfactory internal consistency through stratified sampling method and their alpha coefficients is 0.81. Confirmatory factor analysis was also used to verify the validity of the questionnaire and the results showed that the fit of data is preserved by deleting questions number 12 and 18 and the structure of the questionnaire has acceptable according to the data. Conclusion: According to the obtained data, Conflict Management Questionnaire is a suitable tool for measuring conflict resolution strategies in high school and this questionnaire can be used for research on conflict resolution strategies.
elham etehadi; hamid rahimian; esmat momeni; bahram salehsedghpoor
This study aimed to developed a questionnaire of knowledge management and check the reliability and validity of that, among faculty member of public universities in Tehran.The research method was descriptive and survey type. First, by studying the literature of the research, we extracted the components ...
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This study aimed to developed a questionnaire of knowledge management and check the reliability and validity of that, among faculty member of public universities in Tehran.The research method was descriptive and survey type. First, by studying the literature of the research, we extracted the components and indicators of knowledge management and a questionnaire was prepared. Then 300 questionnaire was administered to all faculty member of the psychology and educational sciences at six public universities in Tehran consisted of : Allameh tabatabai, shahid beheshti, kharazmi, tarbiat modarres and al-zahra in 2016- 2017. The results showed that knowledge management questionnaire has good face and content validity. Also exploratory factor analysis via principal component were used in order to examine the construct validity. Finally eight factors were identified: individual tacit knowledge, externalization, individual explicit knowledge, combination, explicit organizational knowledge, internalization, organizational tacit knowledge and socialization. The cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was found to be 0.80 for the entire questionnaire. The reliability and validity coefficient were generally qualified for being used in organizational research related to knowledge management.
hamid Kargar Barzi; Ahmad Karbala Mohammad Meygooni; Hamed Bramas; Sadiq Taghi loo
Aim:Thepurpose of this study was to explainthe model of tendencyof relationship before marriage to be based on lifestyles and the usage of virtual social networks among students. Methods: The method of the present study wascorrelational structural equation modeling. The statistical population of study ...
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Aim:Thepurpose of this study was to explainthe model of tendencyof relationship before marriage to be based on lifestyles and the usage of virtual social networks among students. Methods: The method of the present study wascorrelational structural equation modeling. The statistical population of study consisted of all of students of AllamehTabatabai University who were studying in academic year1394-1393(2014-2015). 374 persons were selected for the sample group. The sampling was stratified random sampling among all colleges and universities randomly selected in proportion to male and female students. To collect survey data of research, attitude and tendency of relationship before marriage questionnaires, lifestyle questionnaire, and virtual social networks questionnaire was used. To analyze the data and fit indices and path factors to test hypotheses were used. Results: The results of research showed that there is significant direct relationship between the usage of virtual social networks and tendency of relationship before marriage, also there is a significant relationship between lifestyle and usage of virtual social networks, and also the the explanatory model of tendency of relationship before marriage to be based on the life styles and the usage of virtual social networks with experimental datas had fitness.(P<0.05) Conclusion: The findings of this study can be concluded that the desire of relationship before marriage to be based on lifestyles and the usage of virtual social networks is explained. Key words: tendency of relationship before marriage, life styles, usage of virtual social networks, SEM(structural equation modeling)،family