Document Type : Research Paper




The aim of the present research was the meta-analysis of the studies that investigate the link between job stress and organizational variables in Iranian research studies. Data collected from 78 studies conducted from 1993-2013 and was analyzed then the effect sizes of the relationship between stress job and organizational variables were computed. Findings revealed that the combined effect size for fixed model was 0.16 and for random model was 0.17, which both were small effect sizes (J. Cohen, 1997). Further meta-analysis showed that the interpersonal conflict, work-family conflict, organizational effectiveness variables had significant large positive effects size on job stress. We checked for Publication bias and heterogeneity of effects. the results showed no bias but due to heterogeneity of effects, demographic and methodological variables were examined .Findings revealed that sampling, kind of job, kind of studies and Measuring tools could moderate the relationship between job stress and organizational variables as the moderator effects. The overall results suggested that Organizational variables that lead to feelings of loss of control or social support or self-efficacy have a stronger relationship with job stress. This suggests that further investigation is needed.
