Document Type : Research Paper
The current paper reviews the concept of meta analysis of Anxiety & Depression researches in 1363-1385 at University of Allameh Tabatabaei university , faculty of psychology and education science . The relevant controls were convenient for the present research in order to study the aspect of Anxiety & Depression, therefore a number of 41 cases from 55 on anxiety including 36 case out of 59 on depression were optimized for meta analysis . Research methodology is structured due to revision in connection with descriptive statistics device ,meanwhile it is meta analysis in terms of inferential statistics , therefore software of CMA (Comprehensive Meta Analysis ) & SPSS used to analyze collected data . The whole Research analyzed in connection with significant of case reliability. Statistical method t (dependent & independent) is significant in scope of cause of effect in anxiety and way of anxiety therapy methods including cause and effect on depression for depression therapy methods .The sampling is cluster form , while sampling method for accessibility in Research linked to causes and anxiety factors , though the anxiety therapy method and accessible sampling method plus random sampling method are in significant range. The methods of randomly and cluster samplings in the field of cause and effect are depression components furthermore randomly sampling method in depression therapy method are significant too. The Research methodology used in cause , comparative and correlation area over cause and effect of anxiety ,while anxiety therapy methods ,the case of experimental & semi experimental methods are in significant range too. The results arisen by this paper demonstrate that Research carried out in the fields of anxiety and depression deserve more revision and modification because novel Researches are critical for application specifically in both fields concerned.