Document Type : Research Paper
This descriptive correlation study is aimed at constructing and standardizing a test to measure personality based on Golestan Saadi. 276 students (137 female and 139 male) from Allameh Tabatabaee University were participated in this study. The questionnaire with 108 items was based on content analysis of the characteristics mentioned by Saadi in the first chapter of Golestan. In order to gathering the data, the questionnaires were filled by the students. Exploratory factor analysis by SPSS software was used to determine the numbers of the basic factors. The findings of this study confirm the questions. The calculated Cronbach Alpha coefficient was high (α= 0/96), which shows high reliability and internal consistency of the questionnaire. Construct validity (calculated by exploratory factor analysis with Varimax rotation) was also desirable. An exploratory factor analysis with Varimax rotation was administered on the questionnaires. According to the results, the final questionnaire consists of 63 items categorized in 5 basic components, including: ‘social maturity’,’ searching for connection’, ‘economical time use’, ‘kindness’ and ‘generosity’. The results also showed that discriminant validity of the questionnaire (its power for differentiating between groups) is desirable, as if two groups of healthy participants and clients of counseling centers can be distinguished by the questionnaire. On the other hand, norm tables of Z and T scores have been plotted for ’economical time use’ component separately because except for ‘economical time use’ component no difference between females and males’ mean scores were found (by independent sample t-test). Therefore, the tables were plotted generally for other components and for the total score. The criterion-related validity of the questionnaire with five factors of NEOPI-R is within acceptable limits. Cut-off point of the test was determined by calculating the confidence interval of total score and each scale of the test.