Document Type : Research Paper



he purpose of this research is to develop ao instrument for learners' entrance readiness assessment to an e-learning course. The entrance characteristics of e-learner are one of the important inputs in e-learning environment that affects in process and product. The research population consists of the Iranian e-learning expertise and trainee boys that enrolled in the public and private Technical and Vocational Training Organization in summer, 1388. For the sample selection of among e-learning expertise, the criterion-centered sampling, and for trainees population, the multistage cluster sampling were used. With studying the background of research five factor and 37 items were extracted and sent to the iranian e-learning expertise to determine the content validity. The data were collected by questionnaire and interview. The results showed that the 5 determined factors by expertise were confirmed and some of the items were changed in details and general. Then to determine the reliability of the tool, the questionnaires were distributed among 60 technical and vocational trainees and analyzed. Correlation analysis with the total items showed (0/89) was calculated and two of the items had lower correlation with the total items. These two late items were omitted and the questionnaire was distributed among 540 trainees again and 412 questionnaires were gathered finally.  Data analysis showed that Kranbakh alpha coefficient among items related to the first factor (0/90), and the related items to second factor (0/75), the items related to third factor (0/77),the related  items to fourth factor (0/83) and related items to fifth factors (0/82) and total alpha coefficient Kranbakh items equal (0/92). The date analysis result in the factor analysis method showed that the five identified factors and the related items to them have correlation to.


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