Document Type : Research Paper
- saeed akbarizardkhaneh 1
- Hamed Babakri 2
- ََAmir Hossein Daneshmand Kafteroudi 3
- Hamid Saheb 4
- Maryam Mamaghanieh 5
- Shabnam Nazhd Omidvari Poor 3
- Farzaneh Gavami 6
1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University , Tehran, Iran
2 Masters in pre-school education, University of Rehabilitation Sciences and Social Welfare, Tehran, Iran
3 M.A. Student of Educational Psychology, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran
4 Physician, General Department of Health of Tehran Municipality, Tehran, Iran
5 Ph.D in Psychology, General Department of Health of Tehran Municipality, Tehran, Iran
6 General Department of Health of Tehran Municipality, Tehran, Iran
Due to the significant importance of the mental health of women and mothers in society, as well as the absence of a native tool for evaluating their mental health, this study aimed to develop an electronic version of the two-dimensional instrument (psychological well-being and psychological problems). A sample of 1222 mothers with at least one student in Tehran city were selected by convenience sampling. Analysis of missing data, exploratory factor analysis, item analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and calculation of reliability coefficients were performed.The item analysis showed that twelve items from the psychological well-being dimension and one item from the psychological problems dimension did not have the sufficient statistical and conceptual adequacy and were excluded from the analysis. The exploratory factor analysis revealed that three structures for the psychological well-being dimension and five structures for the psychological problems dimension had a simple structure. The exploratory structures, along with the initial theoretical structure and the one-factor structure, were entered as competing structures into the confirmatory factor analysis. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that a four-factor structure for the psychological well-being dimension and an eight-factor structure for the psychological problems dimension had the best fit. In the psychological well-being dimension, the four subscales of grit, happiness, optimism, and relationships, and in the psychological problems dimension, the eight subscales of depression, anxiety, obsession, social anxiety, sleep problems, harassment behaviors, substance addiction, and addiction to virtual space were identified. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the subscales were acceptable and high, ranging from 0.63 to 0.87 for the psychological well-being dimension and from 0.65 to 0.87 for the psychological problems dimension. However, the McDonald's omega coefficients for these coefficients ranged from good to excellent, from 0.71 to 0.91 for the psychological well-being dimension and from 0.74 to 0.91 for the psychological problems dimension.