Document Type : Research Paper


department of psychometric


The present study was conducted with the aim of studying the lived experience of mothers having two consecutive children. The current research is a phenomenological approach that was conducted using thematic analysis. The research tool is a semi-structured interview that 32 mothers who had two consecutive children between the ages of one and three years were selected using a purposive sampling method. The interview of these mothers continued until the saturation point was reached. The interview data was analyzed using Max QDA software and coding was done through three open, central and selective stages. The analysis of the results showed that mothers' experience of having two children in a row in 5 main categories including educational, emotional, financial, family and social. The primary categories are not studying, wife's help in educational matters, great interest in computer games, discussions about TV programs, not being jealous, not cooperating in housework, envying each other, being cruel to the first child, anger and fatigue. Separation of father between two children, personality difference between two children, financial problems, desire to have independent phone, room and toys, desire to celebrate independent birthday, lack of understanding between couples in raising two children, proper marital relations, problems in sexual relations, Helping the wife in housework, coordination in raising children, lack of social relations, lack of compromise between two children, improvement of social relations
