Document Type : Research Paper


1 associated professor of Allameh tabataba'i

2 professor of assessment and evaluation Allameh tabataba'i university

3 associated professor of psychology Allameh tabataba'i university


The present study with the purpose of construct, making reliable and validity screening of national and social identity test has been carried out. the social identity is composed of 3 parts including ethnic identity, religious identity and modern identity. Firstly, the components and then their concerned questions were compiled for each sub test. Therefore, the questions of national identity (90 questions) and ethnic identity (68 questions) was arranged in a 158 question questionnaire and the questions of religious identity (72 questions) and modern identity (72 questions) in another questionnaire with 144 questions. Two questionnaires were carried out in preliminary performance on a sample of the students of Tehran Universities. After the preliminary performance, by using items' analysis method, 80 items were omitted of the first questionnaire (158 questions) and in total, 161 items were omitted. Alpha coefficient of the first questionnaire (158 questions) is 0/978 after analysis of the questions. In the second questionnaire (144 questions), the alpha coefficient is 0/957 after omitting the unsuitable items. From questions of the first questionnaire and questions of the second questionnaire, a 141 item questionnaire was formed which its alpha coefficient is 0/965. This questionnaire in main performance on a mixed sample of 410 students of Tehran was carried out. Factor analysis method was used in this step for test analysis.
During factor analysis process, 31 factors were recognized in total which 13 factors could be named. In sub test of national identity, 10 factors were recognized which 5 factors could be named. Also, in modern identity 8 factors were recognized which 2 factors were definable.
With regard to the results of this research, this questionnaire is of suitable reliability and validity and the obtained elements from factor analysis can measure the national and social identity of students in a suitable manner.
