Document Type : Research Paper


Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study was to design and testing the educational motion graphics to improve components executive functions in children with learning disorders.The research design was a quasi-experimental design with pre-test-post-test with a control group and the study population was all students with learning disorders aged 7 to 11 years referred to treatment centers in the cities of Tehran, Isfahan and Qazvin.In order to select the sample, using available sampling, 18 students who volunteered to participate in the experiment were selected. Of these, 9 children in the experimental group and 9 children in the control group were randomly selected. Then, the motion graphics, the content of which was formed using scientific resources and its form with the help of specialized animation software, and was performed for the experimental group for10 ، 45-minute sessions.Subjects were assessed using the BRIEF Executive Function Questionnaire (2000) and the Lufi Perseverance Questionnaire (1987) as the pre-test and post-test. In the next step, the research data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.The results showed that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups ’ scores of the components (p> ./. 1) And training through motion graphics has been effective on executive functions (attention, response inhibition, planning, organizing, reminding, perseverance and effort) in children with learningdisorders. Considering the effectiveness of educational motion graphics on executive functions, it is suggested to use the capabilities of motion graphics in educating children with learning disorders.
Keywords:Motion graphics, Executive functions, Learning disorders.
