Document Type : Research Paper


1 master graduate/ Alzahra university

2 Associated Professor/ Alzahra University, Educational Psychology Department


Curiosity is the most important intrinsic asset of children that is used in search of knowledge and acquisition of knowledge. The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Children’s Interest/Deprivation Epistemic Curiosity Scale among 5 to 9 years old children living in Tehran who were studying in schools or kindergartens in the academic year 1398-1399. The study was descriptive cross-sectional survey research and, 985 children were selected by multi-stage stratified-cluster sampling. Initially, the Persian version of the Children’s Interest/Deprivation Epistemic Curiosity Scale is achieved by translating “Children’s Interest/Deprivation Epistemic Curiosity Scale (Piotrowski et al., 2014)”. This Scale is in the form of a parental report and has two types of interest and deprivation. The analysis of scale items based on the calculation of Cronbach's alpha coefficient for interest type, deprivation type, and epistemic curiosity was 0.708, 0.795, and 0.734, respectively, which indicated its good internal consistency. The results of the test-retest reliability test also showed the stability of the scale. Also, the results of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the good and appropriate fit of the two-factor model of the scale with data. In general, the results of the research indicate that the Persian version of the Children’s Interest/Deprivation Epistemic Curiosity Scale has appropriate psychometric properties in a sample of Iranian children aged 5-9 years.


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