Document Type : Research Paper


1 internal managment

2 university roodehen

3 Associate Professor of Psychology, Educational Sciences Department, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.


The present study aimed to construct, identify and validate the Readiness Questionnaire for of readiness for change in adolescent girls. The research method was a sequential exploratory combination with a tool compilation model. The research method in the qualitative part of text analysis in deductive-inductive method and statistical population included books and articles related to theories and factors affecting the readiness for change and the sample was selected purposefully. In a small part of the society, it included female students in the second year of high school in District 5 of Tehran in 2009-2010. 300 students randomly selected a two-step cluster method and completed the Readiness to Change questionnaire. To confirm the data, the confirmatory factor analysis was used first, the fitness indicators were not desirable in the first step. After using exploratory factor analysis by way of combining items, confirmatory factor analysis was used again and the fit indices indicated the fit of the model with the collected data. Accordingly, the factors of skills, personality traits, adaptability and risk-taking were confirmed. The internal consistency of the questionnaire and the components for the mentioned factors were 0.66, 0.71, 0.68 and 0.72, respectively, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the whole questionnaire was 0.83. The average extracted variance (AVE) of the components is 0.652, 0.625, 0.528 and 0.510, respectively, indicating that the extracted components have an acceptable convergent validity. The reliability of the whole test was also estimated to be 0.88. The questionnaire can be used for research purposes, and psychologists can use it to measure the readiness of adolescent girls to change.


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