Todays, growth in expectations from universities make up the universities which must connect to external environment and try to response to stakeholder demands and expectations. In order to shape this process, the concept of Institutional Research (IR( as a process which, according to the external environment, ...
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Todays, growth in expectations from universities make up the universities which must connect to external environment and try to response to stakeholder demands and expectations. In order to shape this process, the concept of Institutional Research (IR( as a process which, according to the external environment, the improvement of internal provides, emerged. One of the improvements in the curriculum of higher education within the university environment can occur. In this study, the mentality of curriculum experts according to their different experiences about university research and its relevance to the curriculum in higher education be identified. Q methodology was used for this purpose. 20 specialist research data collected was analyzed by Q-methodology. The results showed that three different approaches to the relationship between Institutional Research (IR( and university curriculum was identified. These approaches were: problem solving approach in which IR create and identify new problems for university curriculum, strategic approach in which IR affected and directed university curriculum vision, knowledge application approach in which IR facilitate knowledge based relationship between industry and university and modify university curriculum.
mohammad mojtabazadeh
this study been done to build, reliability making and validation an measurement tool for accreditation and quality assurance of iran's higher education system. to perform this study, is used mixed method with explorative plan- tool development model.First, in the qualitative study, by using the method ...
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this study been done to build, reliability making and validation an measurement tool for accreditation and quality assurance of iran's higher education system. to perform this study, is used mixed method with explorative plan- tool development model.First, in the qualitative study, by using the method of grounded theory and interview with 36 higher education experts, were designed questionnaire with 25 omponents and 157 sub-components. then, in the quantitative section, Designed questionnaire, in a pilot study, was conducted on 84 members of Iran's higher education experts. based on the received feedback were acting to refine the questionnaire. then, the its final version and modified was put in the hands of 293 the country's higher education experts. validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was calculated equal to (0/982) by Cronbach's alpha. in the qualitative part of the study, was used non-probability purposive sampling sampling method and in the quantitative part, random classified sampling method used. to test mentioned measurment tool, analysis of structural equation modeling was used. by doing first order confirmatory factor analysis, mentioned measurment tool were modified to 22 components and 150 sub-components. results of second order confirmatory factor analysis, also showed that 22 components were extracted has sufficient factor load to predict of measurment tool relating to Accreditation and quality assurance of iran's higher education system. in addition, goodness of fit indices such as, (CMIN/DF) equal to 1/924, (RMSEA) equal to 0/39, (GFI) equal to 0/976, (AGFI) equal to 0/939, (CFI) equal to 0/928, (NNFI) equal to 0/935, (TLI) equal to 1/000, (IFI) equal to 0/928 and (RFI) equal to 0925, it shows, designed, measurment tools for the accreditation and quality assurance of iran's higher education system is a very favorable fitness.
mohammad amini; zohreh samadian; hamid rahimi
The main purpose of this research was to investigate the obstacles to the effectiveness of Islamic knowledge courses in universities and higher education centers. The statistical population of this research included all students in Kashan universities (University of Kashan, University of Medical Sciences ...
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The main purpose of this research was to investigate the obstacles to the effectiveness of Islamic knowledge courses in universities and higher education centers. The statistical population of this research included all students in Kashan universities (University of Kashan, University of Medical Sciences and Islamic Azad University) (n= 17057). Using stratified random sampling method. 458 subjects were selected. Researcher-made questionnaire was used as the means-of data collection, with reliability of 0.83 through Cronbach’s alpha. Inferential statistics (t-test, analysis of variance, etc.) were used in order to analyze the data. The results indicated that although the Islamic curriculums are in a relatively favorable status, there exists a series of internal and external factors which practically prevents such courses from having the expected efficiency and effectiveness on students. From the viewpoint of students, the component of evaluation as an internal factor and environmental or social conditions as the external factors are the major obstacles to the effectiveness of Islamic knowledge courses.
mohammad sharifi; abbas abbas pour
Volume 4, Issue 12 , July 2013, , Pages 133-170
Background: intellectual capitals play a crucial role in achieving competitive advantage in a knowledge based world. The role of higher education in the economic structure from the perspective of educatinga trained workforce for public and private sectors as well as creating a ground for innovation and ...
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Background: intellectual capitals play a crucial role in achieving competitive advantage in a knowledge based world. The role of higher education in the economic structure from the perspective of educatinga trained workforce for public and private sectors as well as creating a ground for innovation and development of technology is highly important. The higher education systemprepares the ground for growth innovation entrepreneurship and ultimately economic development through effective management and application of intellectual capitals. Identification of intellectual capitals in the higher education system and the ways to measure itpave the way for better management of such capitals. Conclusion: based on the research findings an appropriate model was introduced for measuring intellectual capital with the relative dimensions and criteria for the higher education system of iran.
hoseyn abdollahi
Volume 3, Issue 7 , April 2012, , Pages 139-170
Background: During the past three decades, we have witnessed an outstanding growth in the number of higher education institutions. The growing demand for higher education besides the consequent escalating costs and the restricted financial resources have drawn the attention of the higher education policy-makers ...
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Background: During the past three decades, we have witnessed an outstanding growth in the number of higher education institutions. The growing demand for higher education besides the consequent escalating costs and the restricted financial resources have drawn the attention of the higher education policy-makers to seek ways to increase the efficiency and efficacy of higher education. On the other hand, higher education is criticized for its poor quality and its inconsistency with the market demand. Answering such criticisms requires finding innovative solutions for optimizing the system of higher education. Objectives: The present research intended to answer the following questions in the field of measuring the educational efficiency: What are the obstacles in the way of measuring the educational efficiency of faculty members? In other words what are the challenges of measuring the amount of educational efficiency among faculty members? What is the significance coefficient of the aforementioned challenges and which one has priority over the others? Conclusion: This article was an attempt to review the efficiency factor in the higher educational system in general and to discuss the challenges on the way of measuring the educational efficiency among university faculty members in particular. At the end, some suggestions have been made for the improvement of the measurement of the educational efficiency among the university faculty members.
zahra Bagherikhah; mahbobe Arefi; ehsan jamali
Volume 2, Issue 6 , January 2012, , Pages 1-31
Background: The present research has been undertaken with a view to specify the student admission status in Iranian higher education system from the point of view of students studying in some of the state owned universities in Tehran university, professors in Sanjesh organization and some of the related ...
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Background: The present research has been undertaken with a view to specify the student admission status in Iranian higher education system from the point of view of students studying in some of the state owned universities in Tehran university, professors in Sanjesh organization and some of the related higher education officials. Object: The attitudes derived from three sample populations were investigated which revolved around the procedures and the current constituents (including the concentrated testing method, comprehensive examination method, the factor of average written score, the knowledge baseline score, the students quota and students gender) as well as other influential factors (such as non-concentrated examination method, the educational background factor, intelligence and educational aptitude). Method: The research was a descriptive survey. The sample was prepared based on Iran's Morgan table and the research subjects were composed of 346 students from three well known universities such as Sharif Industrial University Shahid Beheshtee University and Allameh Tabataba'i University along with their member board of academicians and a number of the higher education officials. Results: The results obtained in this research are as follows. The greatest percentage of students' responses was related to the concentrated examination method, which showed their relative acceptance; also the highest percentage of professor's response and officials which represented a favorable attitude was to questions related to the concentrated examination method, and non-concentrated examination method which received unfavorable attitudes. There appeared to be no major attitudinal differences among students, university professors and officials towards concentrated examination method, comprehensive examination method, written average score, knowledge score, quotas, and admissions of gender. Conclusion: Based on the views of both students and professors, their responses to questions concerning admission quotas, revealed that some of these quotas resulted in divers complications amongst students including unpleasant feelings, annoyance, and incongruity among students etc. Therefore combining the quotas together or applying them in the form of additional quotas in general entrance exams might prove effective in alleviating anxieties and problems.
abas abbaspour; mohamad shargi
Volume 2, Issue 5 , October 2011, , Pages 1-32
Background: Evaluation is an important component in higher education. In few last decades, in the higher education of Iran, validation approach to evaluate and validate the higher education system has been used. The first phase of higher education evaluation was internal evaluation of Educational Departments ...
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Background: Evaluation is an important component in higher education. In few last decades, in the higher education of Iran, validation approach to evaluate and validate the higher education system has been used. The first phase of higher education evaluation was internal evaluation of Educational Departments in most universities across the country. Objective: This paper aims to report on the implementation of internal evaluation in the Department of Educational Management of the college of Ppsychology and Education in Allameh Tabataba'i University in order to improve educational quality. Method: This paper points out the findings obtained from a case study of implementing internal evaluation, encompassing 12 steps, in the department of educational management of a university in Iran. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used to collect data from the heads, faculty members, students, alumni, and library staff of the department, as well as the immediate managers of the alumni. The methods of data collection included interviews, document review, questionnaires, and checklists. Results: In general, the results of the research showed that the average of seven criteria under evaluation (Department management goal and structure, Faculty members, Students, Alumni, Teaching and learning processes, Implemented courses, educational equipments and resources) in three departments was quite desirable. Conclusion: This report can be a basis for the procedures necessary for continuous improvement of the quality of Educational Departments, developing the necessary culture and conditions for accountability in higher education, monitoring the internal quality, improving the staff quality, and clarifying the mission, goals and objectives of the program/institution.