maryam sadat akhbari; Hamid Reza Arizi; hossein eskandari; hamid bidram
This study aimed to investigate the criticism by Coffey, Holbrook, and Atkinson (1996) against the grounded theory, claiming that the widespread use of software in coding has led to excessive emphasis on traditional coding procedures, adoption of certain standards, and adoption of a linear coding ...
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This study aimed to investigate the criticism by Coffey, Holbrook, and Atkinson (1996) against the grounded theory, claiming that the widespread use of software in coding has led to excessive emphasis on traditional coding procedures, adoption of certain standards, and adoption of a linear coding procedure, which can hinder the process of analysis. For the purpose of analyzing this claim, eight cognitive task analysis interviews were conducted with managers of two regional companies affiliated with the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC). Two different groups were set out to code the texts. The first group used the Strauss and Corbin’s (1994) grounded theory approach, using NVIVO. The second group based their work on the Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman’s (2006) cognitive task analysis approach, using an intertextual procedure. Finally, the codes of the two groups were compared together. The results revealed more coded sentences and more practical conceptual categories in the second group.
mohammad mojtabazadeh
this study been done to build, reliability making and validation an measurement tool for accreditation and quality assurance of iran's higher education system. to perform this study, is used mixed method with explorative plan- tool development model.First, in the qualitative study, by using the method ...
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this study been done to build, reliability making and validation an measurement tool for accreditation and quality assurance of iran's higher education system. to perform this study, is used mixed method with explorative plan- tool development model.First, in the qualitative study, by using the method of grounded theory and interview with 36 higher education experts, were designed questionnaire with 25 omponents and 157 sub-components. then, in the quantitative section, Designed questionnaire, in a pilot study, was conducted on 84 members of Iran's higher education experts. based on the received feedback were acting to refine the questionnaire. then, the its final version and modified was put in the hands of 293 the country's higher education experts. validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was calculated equal to (0/982) by Cronbach's alpha. in the qualitative part of the study, was used non-probability purposive sampling sampling method and in the quantitative part, random classified sampling method used. to test mentioned measurment tool, analysis of structural equation modeling was used. by doing first order confirmatory factor analysis, mentioned measurment tool were modified to 22 components and 150 sub-components. results of second order confirmatory factor analysis, also showed that 22 components were extracted has sufficient factor load to predict of measurment tool relating to Accreditation and quality assurance of iran's higher education system. in addition, goodness of fit indices such as, (CMIN/DF) equal to 1/924, (RMSEA) equal to 0/39, (GFI) equal to 0/976, (AGFI) equal to 0/939, (CFI) equal to 0/928, (NNFI) equal to 0/935, (TLI) equal to 1/000, (IFI) equal to 0/928 and (RFI) equal to 0925, it shows, designed, measurment tools for the accreditation and quality assurance of iran's higher education system is a very favorable fitness.