yousef yousefi; nour ali farokhi
Background: Nowadays, authorities give more attention to the creation of motivation in students in order to direct their activities and make them active. Despite the importance of this issue, contradictions are seen in the results of educational motivation researches. Objective: This study was aimed ...
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Background: Nowadays, authorities give more attention to the creation of motivation in students in order to direct their activities and make them active. Despite the importance of this issue, contradictions are seen in the results of educational motivation researches. Objective: This study was aimed at reviewing researches conducted into factors affecting educational motivation and was carried out using meta-analysis method. Method: The population of the present study consisted of all researches on learning motivation recorded in SID, Magiran, and Irandoc databases from 1992 to 2012. A sample of 132 researches was chosen according to the criteria for inclusion in the study, and their data was recorded on the meta-analysis worksheet prepared by the researcher. Overall effect size calculation, Number of Partial Safety (Nfs) ^ Q-test were used for data analysis using CMA-2 software. Results: The results indicated that the following variables have the most effects in learning motivation respectively: learning strategies (ES=0/479), self-efficacy (ES= 0/405), self-esteem (ES= 0/384), selfregulation (ES=0/333), academic achievement (ES=0/329), test anxiety (ES^ -0/196) and gender (ES= 0/037). The analysis of the homogeneity of studies showed that the combined studies were heterogeneous in all variables. The analysis of the number of partial safety indicator also suggested that there was no publication bias among integrated studies in variables.
elham erfani; javad mesrabadi; tagi zavar
Volume 4, Issue 11 , April 2013, , Pages 1-54
Abstract Background: Over the past two decades, many researchers have examined the effect of teaching learning strategies on educational improvement of students through experimental and quasi-experimental studies, which yielded different results. Thus, it is essential to use meta-analysis study to resolve ...
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Abstract Background: Over the past two decades, many researchers have examined the effect of teaching learning strategies on educational improvement of students through experimental and quasi-experimental studies, which yielded different results. Thus, it is essential to use meta-analysis study to resolve discrepancies and present a general result. Objectives: The present study aims to combine quantitative results from different studies concerning causal relationship between learning strategies and educational improvement. Methods: To do so, the quantitative findings of 28 researches were used and their effect size was calculated as 53. The studies used in this research were conducted in and collected from different universities and research centers including Shahid Rajaee University, Shahid Beheshti University, Tarbiat Moallem University of Tehran, University of Tehran, Alzahra University, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tarbiat Modares University, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, University of Shiraz, University of Isfahan, University of Tabriz, Institute of Educational Studies, Iranian Research Institute for Scientific Information and Documentation, and databases of Magiran, Noormags, and SID. After analyzing entry and exit criteria, Statistical indicators of the selected researches were analyzed using CMA version 2. Results: The combined results showed that teaching learning strategies had a significant effect on the educational improvement of both male and female learners. Therefore, it can be concluded that gender does not have a moderating role on the relationship between teaching learning strategies and educational improvement. Conclusion: Given the results of the meta-analysis on the large effect size of teaching learning strategies on education improvement, as well as the existing theories such as the theory of metacognition and information processing, it can be concluded that teaching learning strategies can be effective on the indicators of educational improvement of learners.