Alihasan Azizpourian; Maryam Eslampanah; Mohammad Javad Karamafrooz; Faramarz Malekyan; Elham Kavyani
The purpose of this qualitative-quantitative research (mixed) was Establishing and Accreditation of Entrepreneur's Educational System Questionnaire in technical and vocational schools. First, using interviews with entrepreneurship professors and Delphi technique the primary questionnaire were obtained ...
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The purpose of this qualitative-quantitative research (mixed) was Establishing and Accreditation of Entrepreneur's Educational System Questionnaire in technical and vocational schools. First, using interviews with entrepreneurship professors and Delphi technique the primary questionnaire were obtained and presented for quantitative evaluation. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained. Statistical population of this research were 1- Entrepreneurship specialists from different universities of the country In the qualitative section and 2- teachers of technical vocational schools In the Quantitative section .were used purposeful sampling In the qualitative section, cluster sampling method In the Quantitative section. The results of the research using exploratory factor analysis and confirmation and modification of the qualitative section results showed that Entrepreneur's Educational System Questionnaire in technical and vocational schools, is Multidimensional tool with 9 factors and 59 sub-components, The percentage of variance and specific value are as follows: entrepreneurship education, psychological characteristics of students, academic and professional counseling, leadership style, management and organization of vocational schools, communication with industry and commercial and managerial skills, content, development of entrepreneurship skills in learners, space and educational equipment, and teaching methods. Structural equation modeling analysis was used to test the tool. Structural validity was calculated using the first and second order confirmatory factor analysis, and fit model tests and reliability of subscales using Cronbach's alpha coefficient.