Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of psychology, Faculty of Humanities, golestan University, Gorgan, Iran.

2 professor in Department of psychology, Faculty of Humanities, shahedUniversity, tehran, Iran

3 Department of psychology, Islamic Azad University, Bandargaz Branch, Bandargaz, Iran


Objective (s): The aim of the present study was to assess the Psychometric properties of Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders amongst a sample of 10-17yers old children in iran
Methods:this experiment is a survey study.the subjects consisted of 890 10-17yers old children in Azarbaijan Sharghi، Golestan and Gilan who were chosen randomly according to multiple stage cluster sampeling metod and then were evaluated using YSR، SCARED، RCAMS and CDI. Finaly, data was analysed using descriptive statistic،pearson correlation coefficient،Alpha Cronbach coefficient and factor analysis.
Results: Results indicated that the SCARED and its 5 subscales have good internal consistency and test-retest reliability(with a 14 days interval). The result of exploratory factor analysis indicated a six-factor model in SCARED which confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. Also The result of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed five subscale of original SCARED including “Panic Disorder”, “Generalized anxiety Disorder”,“Social anxiety Disorder”,“ Separation anxiety Disorder” and“ anxiety scool”.
.furthermore The significant correlation of total score SCARED and its 5 subscales with total scors YSR، RCAMS and CDI supported the convergent validity.(p<0/01)
Conclusion: The Persian version of SCARED has satisfactory psychometric properties in Iranian child and is suitable to be used in educational,clinical and research domains.
Key Words: Psychometric, reliability, validity, Anxiety,child


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