Document Type : Research Paper



Background: Evaluation is an important component in higher education. In few last decades, in the higher education of Iran, validation approach to evaluate and validate the higher education system has been used. The first phase of higher education evaluation was internal evaluation of Educational Departments in most universities across the country.
Objective: This paper aims to report on the implementation of internal evaluation in the Department of Educational Management of the college of Ppsychology and Education in Allameh Tabataba'i University in order to improve educational quality.
Method: This paper points out the findings obtained from a case study of implementing internal evaluation, encompassing 12 steps, in the department of educational management of a university in Iran. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used to collect data from the heads, faculty members, students, alumni, and library staff of the department, as well as the immediate managers of the alumni. The methods of data collection included interviews, document review, questionnaires, and checklists.
Results: In general, the results of the research showed that the average of seven criteria under evaluation (Department management goal and structure, Faculty members, Students, Alumni, Teaching and learning processes, Implemented courses, educational equipments and resources) in three departments was quite desirable.
Conclusion: This report can be a basis for the procedures necessary for continuous improvement of the quality of Educational Departments, developing the necessary culture and conditions for accountability in higher education, monitoring the internal quality, improving the staff quality, and clarifying the mission, goals and objectives of the program/institution.



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