Document Type : Research Paper


This study was conducted with the aim of structural analysis sources of Self-Efficacy Information, Self-efficacy, Goal-Setting and Self-regulation with math performance. The study population included all ninth grade students in secondary school in Sanandaj city; from this population a random sample of 396 students was selected. The research instruments were Sources of Self-Efficacy Information in mathematics questionnaire, Goal-Setting questionnaire, Self-efficacy mathematics questionnaire & Self-regulation questionnaire. The results of Cronbach's alpha and the first stage of the confirmatory factor analysis represented the good reliability and validity of the tool. Data were analyzed using Statistical technique of structural equation modeling (confirmatory path analysis) with LISREL 8/50 software. The results indicate that:
• The Self-efficacy variable has direct, positive and significant effect on the level of 0.01 on math performance (0/589) and no indirect and total effect on math performance variable equal to (0/589)
• The goal setting variable has direct, positive and significant effect on the level of 0.01 on math performance equal to (0/453), indirect positive effect (0/211) and total effect (0/664) on math performance variable.
• The self-regulation variable has direct, positive and significant effect on the level of 0.01 on math performance equal to (0/326), indirect positive (0/190) and total effect (0/516) ) on math performance variable.
• The sources of Self-Efficacy Information variable has direct, positive and significant effect on the level of 0.01 on math performance equal to (0/113), indirect positive effect (0/541) and total effect (0/654) ) on math performance variable.


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